Fly this classic toy plane using just your smartphone

(Image credit: Stack Commerce)

The drone revolution is finally here, but you don’t need to dish out a crazy amount of cash this holiday season in order to take to the skies.

This Moskito Smartphone-Controlled Plane with Joystick makes it easy to fly a classic toy airplane using intuitive gestures directly on your smartphone, and it’s currently available for over 10% off at just $42.99.

Great for both novice pilots and more seasoned drone experts alike, this intrepid smartphone-controlled plane is a must-have item for any aeronautics enthusiast.

You’ll be able to fly both indoors and outdoors, endure accidental impacts thanks to super crash-resistant materials, and control virtually every element of the plane’s flight using only your smartphone.

Your kit comes with everything you need to take to the skies, and you’ll even be able to fly in the dark thanks to a special night flight mode.

Treat yourself to the gift of flight with a Moskito Smartphone-Controlled Plane with Joystick for just $42.99—over 10% off its usual price for a limited time.

Prices are subject to change.

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