Pro photographer praises iPhone 11 Pro's camera quality and Night mode

What you need to know

  • Pro photographer Austin Mann released a review of the iPhone 11 Pro's triple-camera system.
  • Mann praised the device's Night mode and loved the ultra wide lens.
  • He says the iPhone 11 Pro is a must-buy for anyone serious about taking pictures.

If you're on the fence about upgrading to the iPhone 11 Pro, a new review from travel photographer Austin Mann might change your mind. Mann this week shared his thoughts about the device's new triple-camera system, saying it's a must-have for photographers.

Mann starts off by praising Apple's sophisticated approach to Night mode.

One thing I love about Apple's approach to Night mode is the strategic balance of solving a technical problem while also caring deeply about artistic expression. It's clear their team didn't take the let's-make-night-look-like-day approach, as some of their competitors have. Instead, it feels more like an embrace of what it actually is (night) while asking, "How do we capture the feel of this scene in a beautiful way?

While Mann's experience with the iPhone 11 Pro wasn't without issue — he said the new Camera app interface takes some getting used to — he believes Apple's new device is a must-buy for anyone serious about taking photos.

No matter what iPhone you are using now, if you are serious about shooting photos with your iPhone, this is a year to upgrade. Apple had some serious catching up to do and as a result, this year has brought a tremendous leap in camera capability. Night mode and the Ultra Wide lens will change how we tell stories and express ourselves as artists using our iPhones. Now is a really good time to jump in.

Mann posted some incredible examples in his review, many of which highlight the iPhone 11 Pro's new ultra wide angle camera. Read more on Mann's website.

Brandon Russell