Where to buy Cuphead for Nintendo Switch

If you are like me, then it is most likely that you are completely ecstatic about Cuphead coming to the Nintendo Switch. It won't be long now before I am getting frustrated at one of my most favorite games in recent years in the very palm of my hand. However, you might be wondering where you can pick up a copy of this charming and awesome title.

Digital release


Cuphead (Image credit: Studio MDHR)

If you want to pre-order your copy and start playing as soon as it is available you can most certainly do that. Nintendo already has a page up that will allow you to pre-order Cuphead for your Switch. Just head on over, plunk down your $20 and all that will be left to do is to sit on your hands until release day.

Physical release


Cuphead (Image credit: StudioMDHR)

As of now, the only way you can pre-order the game is through the Nintendo Shop. However, it has recently been confirmed that a physical release of Cuphead will be forthcoming. For the moment there is no confirmed release date for a physical version. However, if you are the sort of gamer that likes "goodies" you might want to consider holding out for that announcement.

However you choose to pick up Cuphead for Nintendo Switch, I totally recommend it. Not only is it one of the most gorgeous and charming games in recent years, it's also amazingly fun to play. In all likelihood, this is one of those games that I am going to be buying in many formats on many consoles just because I like it so much and I am happy to give the devs my money in order to create more awesome games like Cuphead.

Jaz Brown