Join the discussion: Is the iPhone 7 Plus antenna worse?

Whenever a new iPhone is launched, there are always flaws that are found and pointed out by curious and concerned consumers.

A few years ago it was the bending of the iPhone 6, but when the iPhone 7 Plus launched last year, there was some speculation about the antenna – specifically, how it might not be the best of the best…

Folks has anyone else had any issues with your reception on your 7+? I have a g6 and a 256g 7+ (on T mobile) and have noticed I have more service on my g6 than 7+ some times.... Fyi they are side by side comparisons ...... Thanks folks......


Some people say they've seen a bit of a difference between their iPhone 7 Plus and iPhone 6 Plus...

I've not noticed a difference from my 6s plus and the 7plus one way or another.

Not Quite Right

While others say they only notice a difference in the number of bars they would normally get...

I've noticed a difference in number of bars but not a single difference in speed.


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Cella Lao Rousseau

Cella writes for iMore on social and photography. She's a true crime enthusiast, bestselling horror author, lipstick collector, buzzkill, and Sicilian. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram: @hellorousseau