The Twitter for Mac app is crashing [Update]

Twitter for Mac app running on the MacBook Air
Twitter for Mac (Image credit: Joe Wituschek/iMore)

Update (August 5, 2022, at 8:00 PM EST): Twitter has released an update to the Twitter for Mac app that has appeared to fix its crashing issue.

The Twitter for Mac app is crashing for some users.

According to multiple reports on Twitter, some users of the Twitter for Mac app are experiencing crashes when they attempt to start up the app on their Mac.

Mark Gurman, a prominent Apple reporter for Bloomberg known for his "Power On" newsletter, is one of the users affected by the issue:

Unfortunately, restarting the app only seems to have solved the issue temporarily.

I personally tried playing around with the app to see if I could get it to crash, but it seems to be working so far for me. So, this does appear to be an issue impacting some but not all users.

What has Twitter said about it?

Despite the issue being active for at least a couple of hours, none of Twitter's accounts on the social network have recognized the problem and given any sense as to why it suddenly started happening.

We'll continue to update this story as we learn more.

Update (August 5, 2022, at 8:00 PM EST): Twitter has released an update to the Twitter for Mac app that has appeared to fix its crashing issue.

Twitter has released a new update for the Twitter for Mac app that reportedly fixes the crashing issue users have been experiencing lately. Version 9.21, which was released on August 4, 2022, doesn't say as much in the release notes. The company only said that "we made a number of improvements to Twitter for Mac so it is even better for you."

However, according to testing done by 9to5Mac, the update seems to have fixed the crashing issue and the app opens and operates as expected again. Hopefully, that is the case for all users who had the problem!

Joe Wituschek

Joe Wituschek is a Contributor at iMore. With over ten years in the technology industry, one of them being at Apple, Joe now covers the company for the website. In addition to covering breaking news, Joe also writes editorials and reviews for a range of products. He fell in love with Apple products when he got an iPod nano for Christmas almost twenty years ago. Despite being considered a "heavy" user, he has always preferred the consumer-focused products like the MacBook Air, iPad mini, and iPhone 13 mini. He will fight to the death to keep a mini iPhone in the lineup. In his free time, Joe enjoys video games, movies, photography, running, and basically everything outdoors.