What wattage bulb is used in the Philips Hue Inara Outdoor Wall Lantern?

What wattage bulb is used in the Philips Hue Inara Outdoor Wall Lantern?

Best answer: The Inara Outdoor Lantern comes with a standard Hue White A19/E26 bulb with a wattage of 9.5. However, the lantern can take any E26 compatible bulb so you can swap it out for a different watt bulb if you like. You just might get dimmer light at a higher wattage.Amazon: Philips Hue White A19 ($14)Amazon: Philips Hue White and Color Ambiance ($40)Amazon: Philips Hue Bridge ($48)

Watt does that mean?

When it comes to lighting and light fixtures, there are a wide variety of options to choose from; just ask anyone who has gone to replace lights in their house and found they needed four different types of bulbs for three different fixtures (how is that even possible?). They are differentiated by both cap type (the silver part at the bottom that screws into the fixture) and the bulb shape. The most common type of cap is the E26 and the most common type of bulb is A19. The Inara Lantern comes equipped with an E26 fixture, which means that practically any bulb with an E26 cap will fit in it. However, you still need to be careful what bulb you are using.

While technically any E26 compatible bulb will fit, 9.5 is the max recommended wattage.

While technically any E26 compatible bulb will fit, Philips notes on its website that the maximum recommended wattage of replacement bulbs for the lantern is 9.5 W, which means your options are fairly limited. The Philips Hue 9.5 W or lower compatible bulbs are the Hue White bulb, which is included, along with the Hue White Ambiance BR30 bulb (8W), the Hue White and Color Ambiance BR30 bulb (9W) and that's it. The other White Ambiance and White and Color Ambiance E26 bulbs are rated at 10W and above, which means they'll fit in the socket, but aren't necessarily recommended. Will they work? Sure, it's not going to explode or anything, it just means the bulb might not be as bright as expected and that might not quite work with the outdoors.

Do I have to use Hue bulbs?

Absolutely not. You are free to use whatever bulb you may want that will fit in the lantern, but just keep in mind that in doing so you will lose all the extra features of the lamp and thus defeat the purpose of having it.

It needs a brain

The Inara Lantern is nice to look at, but won't really offer much functionality without being connected to a Philips Hue Bridge. The Bridge is the control center that connects the lantern to your smartphone or tablet and allows you to access the awesome features of the smart lights. With it, you can turn the light on or off with a simple tap within the Philips Hue App or even use your voice with Siri, Alexa, or Google Assistant to control the light. The power is, quite literally, in your hands. Without the Bridge, you've got a great wall decoration.

Jason Cockerham