Does your old Fitbit Versa band work with the Fitbit Versa 2?

Does your old Fitbit Versa band work with the Fitbit Versa 2?

Original Fitbit Versa bands DO work with the Fitbit Versa 2

Fitbit Versa 2

Fitbit Versa 2 (Image credit: iMore)

One of the most frustrating things about being a diehard Fitbit fan is that if you upgrade devices somewhat frequently, you have to get new accessories as well. Bands have not traditionally been compatible between generations of Fitbit products - even in the same product family. True, you may have wanted to get new bands, but it was aggravating that you HAD to.

Thankfully Fitbit has changed this strategy and followed the likes of Apple and other watch manufacturers by allowing for band interchangeability between generations of the Versa line. Even though the size of the watch face and casing is slightly longer and larger in the Versa 2, all of the models share the same pin sizes and attachment mechanisms. This means that yes, you can use your bands from the old Fitbit Versa with your new Versa 2 and vice-versa (insert groan here 🙄).

Battle of the bands

Now that you know you can use just about any previous Versa bands with your Versa 2 (the exceptions being ones that included a protective case over the watch face itself), you might be wondering just what the best Versa 2 watch bands are. Well, there are plenty of options to choose from including some third-party bands. Since they are now 'backwards compatible,' you can easily swap out bands to your heart's content.

Jeramy Johnson

Jeramy is proud to help *Keep Austin Weird* and loves hiking in the hill country of central Texas with a breakfast taco in each hand. When he's not writing about smart home gadgets and wearables, he's defending his relationship with his smart voice assistants to his family. You can follow him on Twitter at @jeramyutgw.