Can I work out safely in my third trimester?

Can I work out safely in my third trimester?

Working out in your third trimester is healthy, safe, and encouraged!

Working out in your third trimester of pregnancy will help alleviate some of the discomfort and symptoms you feel in that home stretch by improving your heart health, mood, and blood pressure, and will help regulate your overall pregnancy weight gain. Doctors recommend maintaining a healthy workout regimen throughout your pregnancy and just 20 minutes of active movement a day can pose wonderful effects on the overall health of you and your baby.

Plus, it just might give you a one up on delivery day! Some great workouts you can do in your third trimester include: walking, jogging, Yoga, Barre, Pilates, cycling, swimming, aqua aerobics, strength training, band work, free weights, and stretching. Here are some good exercises to get you started.

Low impact exercises

Low impact exercises such as: Yoga, Pilates, Barre, and mat strengthening and stretching exercises are great because they're easy on your joints and won't drive your heart rate too high or cause you to overheat. Try taking prenatal specific classes that were designed for pregnant women in every trimester. Women that actively participated in low impact exercises throughout their pregnancy have reported mood improvements, decreases in pain, and a lower incidence of preterm labor and Cesarean delivery.

Walking, jogging, & cycling

Walking, jogging, and cycling are all great right up until you deliver, unless otherwise advised against by your doctor of course. Walking, jogging, and cycling helps strengthen your lungs and heart, improves your mood, boosts your energy levels, encourages better sleep, increases circulation and even prepares your body for labor.

However, if you were not a cyclist or jogger prior to pregnancy, now is not the time to start a new exercise routine. Try walking instead and listen to your body. Even if you were a regular jogger or cyclist prior to pregnancy, if your body is signaling you to slow down, you must listen! Most women who were active joggers and cyclists prior to pregnancy reduce their training in duration and intensity by half. Tuning into your body is key.

Swimming & aqua aerobics

If you have a pool or have access to a pool, jump right in! Working out in water is wonderful for your joints and provides amazing joint and back support and relief while you move. Water workouts are great for heart health, improving circulation and flexibility, improving strength, rehabilitating muscles, and enhancing body contours. Plus, your water workout regimen can easily be tailored to match your energy levels and your abilities throughout your pregnancy.

Nicolette Roux

Nicolette is a freelance writer for iMore. She's been hooked on Apple products since she got the very first iPhone in 2007 and made the switch from PC to Mac in 2008 after inadvertently dousing her laptop with a hefty dose of water. A dedicated creative, Nicolette has had the pleasure of working with some of the top websites, studios, and brands in the industry throughout her career, and enjoys writing about all things: Apple, health, fitness, audio, and home. With over a decade of high-level experience as a health and fitness professional, Nicolette specializes in tech pertaining to the field. If she’s not working, you can find her sipping a glass of wine, enjoying a concert, or hanging with her family.