Elon Musk wants to resurrect Vine

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Twitter logo (Image credit: Twitter)

Elon Musk's first big feature release for Twitter might be...let me check this...bringing back Vine? What?

As reported by Axios, the new owner of the social media platform has tasked developers at the company to look into the code of Vine for a potential reboot inside of Twitter. Vine, which Twitter had acquired and killed off years ago, allowed users to record a six-second video that would loop continuously.

It was a simple idea that birthed a ton of video content from everyday people. Vines quickly became much of the first videos on the internet to be considered memes. However, the app eventually died after Twitter itself acquired it years ago.

With the advent of TikTok, however, it appears that Musk believes Vine to be a potential competitor to the video app that has taken the social media landscape by storm.

Elon wants to bring Vine back from the dead

Over the weekend, Musk took to Twitter to run a poll about the idea. He simply asked "bring back Vine?" and, after 4,489,186 votes so far, over 69% percent of users want the company to bring the video app back from the dead.

It's currently unclear if Vine would return as its own app, but that's unlikely. Musk is more likely to bring the video service back as a feature inside of Twitter itself. While Twitter had attempted to bring video stories to its service years ago with "Fleets," the company killed that feature off pretty quickly.

Watching a video on Twitter now will give you a TikTok-like experience in that it will prompt you to swipe up for another video, but that's pretty much the limit of the video experience on the platform right now.

Resurrecting some of the features from Vine will surely bring more of a video focus to the platform than it has ever had.

Joe Wituschek

Joe Wituschek is a Contributor at iMore. With over ten years in the technology industry, one of them being at Apple, Joe now covers the company for the website. In addition to covering breaking news, Joe also writes editorials and reviews for a range of products. He fell in love with Apple products when he got an iPod nano for Christmas almost twenty years ago. Despite being considered a "heavy" user, he has always preferred the consumer-focused products like the MacBook Air, iPad mini, and iPhone 13 mini. He will fight to the death to keep a mini iPhone in the lineup. In his free time, Joe enjoys video games, movies, photography, running, and basically everything outdoors.