Lively lets you turn your Live Photos into animated GIFs and videos

We've already started to see some interesting apps based around Live Photos pop up in the App Store, and a new app called Lively is the latest. Lively lets you take your Live Photos captured on your iPhone 6s or 6s Plus and export them as GIFs or videos to share with your friends.

When you load up Lively, you're presented with a list of all of your Live Photos. From there you can export to video or GIF format, and you can even change the speed of the playback. The app also includes 3D Touch support in the form of quick options to make a GIF or movie from the last live photo taken, along with Peek and Pop to quickly view live photos in the app. This certainly isn't the first app that we've seen for turning Live Photos into animated GIFs or movie files, but it's definitely a fun and well-made app worth checking out.

It's worth noting that Lively is free to download and try for the first three exports, but you'll have to pony up $1.99 to unlock unlimited exports via and in-app purchase. Still, if you'd like to give Lively a gander, you can snag it from the link below.

Dan Thorp-Lancaster