Miitopia Jobs: Best Jobs, Personalities, Stats, Skills, and more


Miitopia Job Warrior (Image credit: iMore)

Warriors have high HP, Attack, and Defense, but low Speed and Magic. They tend to attack single-targets only and boost party defense. Players cannot level up beyond level 50.

Warrior Stats

Swipe to scroll horizontally
Header Cell - Column 0 Level 1Level 50Lv. 50 w/ best equipment and max food buffs

Warrior Skills

As you continue to level up the Warrior, it will unlock these useful skills.

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Jump SlashJumps and slashes at enemies○ Unlocked: Lv 3○ MP Cost: 5○ ATK Multipier: 1.5○ Activation Chance: 50%
Proud ProtectorPros: Protects allies from regular or physical attacks and also increases the friendship guage.Cons: Warriors might refuse to protect allies they don't like.○ Unlocked : Lv 5○ MP Cost: 5○ ATK Multiplier: None○ Activation Chance: 100%
Snap Out of ItEliminates emotion status effects like Evil, Crying, or Nightmare.○ Unlocked : Lv 7○ MP Cost: 4○ ATK Multiplier: None○ Activation Chance: 50%
Spin SlashDoes a spinning slash at enemies.○ Unlocked: Lv 12○ MP Cost: 7○ ATK Multiplier: 0.75○ Activation Chance: 50%
Double SlashWarrior hits two monsters at once.○ Unlocked: Lv 17○ MP Cost: 7○ ATK Multiplier: 0.85○ Activation Chance: 50%
Darkeye SlashMore damage gets dealt when hitting enemies with Mii eyes.○ Unlocked: Lv 22○ MP Cost: 12○ ATK Multiplier: 2.1○ Activation Chance: 50%
Super Snap Out of ItHas a 50% chance of reviving a fallen team member and restoring 10HP.○ Unlocked: Lv 29○ MP Cost: 0○ ATK Multiplier: None○ Activation Chance: 100%
Super Spin SlashDeals even more damage than regular Spin Slash○ Unlocked: Lv 36○ MP Cost: 18○ ATK Multiplier: 2.1○ Activation Chance: 50%


Miitopia Job Mage (Image credit: iMore)

A Mage's weapon of choice is the Wand. They can deal massive damage to enemies and have a large amount of MP and magic attacks at their disposal.

Mage Stats

Swipe to scroll horizontally
Header Cell - Column 0 Level 1Level 50Lv. 50 w/ best equipment and max food buffs

Mage Skills

The Mage unlocks these special attacks and skills as they level up.

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FireAttacks one enemy with fire.○ Unlocked: Lv 2○ MP Cost: 4○ Base power: 8○ ATK Multipier: 0.2○ Activation Chance: 100%
LightningCan hit three monsters standing near each other at once. The main target takes the most damage, while one on either side also gets hurt.○ Unlocked : Lv 4○ MP Cost: 6○ Base power: 10○ ATK Multiplier: 0.25○ Activation Chance: 100%
Sleep TightPros: Puts an ally to sleep in order to heal them. Initially heals by half their max HP and then another half when it becomes the ally's turn.Cons: Team member cannot attack or assist while asleep.○ Unlocked : Lv 6○ MP Cost: 6○ Base power: None○ ATK Multiplier: None○ Activation Chance: 50%
ExplosionAn area-of-effect attack that damages via explosive flames.○ Unlocked: Lv 9○ MP Cost: 14○ Base power: 15○ ATK Multiplier: 0.3○ Activation Chance: 100%
Enlarge WeaponPros: Makes an ally's weapon huge for one turn to deal more damage. Cons: Makes it so attacks the would hit multiple enemies only do 50%+ damage to one enemy.○ Unlocked: Lv 11○ MP Cost: 6○ Base power: None○ ATK Multiplier: None○ Activation Chance: 20%
Mega FireDoes more damage than regular Fire attack.○ Unlocked: Lv 14○ MP Cost: 15○ Base power: 40○ ATK Multiplier: 0.45○ Activation Chance: 100%
Mega LightningDoes more damage than regular Lightning attack.○ Unlocked: Lv 16○ MP Cost: 20○ Base power: 20○ ATK Multiplier: 0.4○ Activation Chance: 100%
Mega ExplosionDoes more damage than regular Explosion attack○ Unlocked: Lv 20○ MP Cost: 30○ Base power: 20○ ATK Multiplier: 0.5○ Activation Chance: 100%
BarrierProtects the Mage with a barrier that cuts the amount of damage taken by 50%.○ Unlocked: Lv 24○ MP Cost: 18○ Base power: None○ ATK Multiplier: None○ Activation Chance: 100%
Giga LightningA much more powerful Lightning attack.○ Unlocked: Lv 28○ MP Cost: 40○ Base power: 40○ ATK Multiplier: 0.65○ Activation Chance: 100%
Giga ExplosionA much more powerful Explosion attack.○ Unlocked: Lv 33○ MP Cost: 45○ Base power: 50○ ATK Multiplier: 0.75○ Activation Chance: 100%
Tower of FlameDoes more damage than regular Flame attack○ Unlocked: Lv 20○ MP Cost: 30○ Base power: 20○ ATK Multiplier: 0.5○ Activation Chance: 100%


Miitopia Job Cleric (Image credit: iMore)

Clerics use Staffs and have higher speed and magic. They mostly serve as a healer for your party but can also attack single opponents.

Cleric Stats

Swipe to scroll horizontally
Header Cell - Column 0 Level 1Level 50Lv. 50 w/ best equipment and max food buffs

Cleric Skills

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CureRestores HP to one player.○ Unlocked: Lv 2○ MP Cost: 3○ Base power: 7○ ATK Multipier: 0.15○ Activation Chance: 100%
CalmRemoves debuffs from the whole team like Laughter or Crying.○ Unlocked : Lv 4○ MP Cost: 9○ Base power: None○ ATK Multiplier: None○ Activation Chance: 80%
Resurrection50% chance of bringing back a fallen ally with a small amount of HP.○ Unlocked : Lv 7○ MP Cost: 12○ Base power: 7○ ATK Multiplier: 0.18○ Activation Chance: 100%
Righteous Anger50% chance to kill enemy with one hit, but doesn't work on bosses.○ Unlocked: Lv 10○ MP Cost: 19○ Base power: None○ ATK Multiplier: None○ Activation Chance: 20%
Mega CureRestores a larger amount of HP to an ally.○ Unlocked: Lv 13○ MP Cost: 12○ Base power: 40○ ATK Multiplier: 0.2○ Activation Chance: 50%
PanaceaRestores some HP to all allies.○ Unlocked: Lv 15○ MP Cost: 18○ Base power: 7○ ATK Multiplier: 0.2○ Activation Chance: 50%
Giga CureRestores an even larger amount of HP to an ally.○ Unlocked: Lv 21○ MP Cost: 20○ Base power: 80○ ATK Multiplier: 0.3○ Activation Chance: 100%
Giga ResurrectionBrings an ally back to life with a large amount of HP.○ Unlocked: Lv 26○ MP Cost: 25○ Base power: 30○ ATK Multiplier: 0.3○ Activation Chance: 100%
AuraBlast an enemy with light to deal damage.○ Unlocked: Lv 31○ MP Cost: 33○ Base power: 30○ ATK Multiplier: 0.55○ Activation Chance: 20%
Giga PanaceaGreatly restores all allies' HP.○ Unlocked: Lv 36○ MP Cost: 40○ Base power: 30○ ATK Multiplier: 0.3○ Activation Chance: 100%


Miitopia Job Thief (Image credit: iMore)

A Thief uses a Dagger and has really fast speed. They're handy for stealing food from enemies and attack all enemies at once by default.

Thief Stats**

Swipe to scroll horizontally
Header Cell - Column 0 Level 1Level 50Lv. 50 w/ best equipment and max food buffs

Thief Skills

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Booby TrapThief places a trap that protects one ally against physical attacks and deals counter-attack damage.○ Unlocked: Lv 3○ MP Cost: 2○ ATK Multipier: None○ Activation Chance: 15%
PilferAttempts to steal food from enemies. The Thief can only hold three snacks at a time and can only steal from an enemy once during a battle. If an ally uses Lend a Hand, the Thief can steal more snacks.○ Unlocked : Lv 5○ MP Cost: 5○ ATK Multiplier: None○ Activation Chance: 100%
BackflipGives Thief 15% chance of dodge physical enemy attacks.○ Unlocked : Lv 9○ MP Cost: None○ ATK Multiplier: None○ Activation Chance: 15%
Whirlwind BladesLets the Thief hit a random enemies rapidly three times. If an ally uses Lend a Hand the Thief strikes up to six times.○ Unlocked: Lv 10○ MP Cost: 8○ ATK Multiplier: 0.75○ Activation Chance: 30%
Sneak AttackThe Thief hides behind an enemy and deals a lot of damage in exchange for losing a turn. The Thief cannot be hit, assist team mates, or have Sprinkles used on them while hiding.○ Unlocked: Lv 15○ MP Cost: 7○ ATK Multiplier: 2.4○ Activation Chance: 25%
Phantom StrikeHits random enemies six times. If an ally uses Lend a Hand, the Thief hits up to nine times.○ Unlocked: Lv 23○ MP Cost: 15○ ATK Multiplier: 0.4○ Activation Chance: 30%
Huge TrapThief plants a trap that protects the entire party against physical attacks and deals counter-attack damage to the enemy. This also can raise Friendship levels.○ Unlocked: Lv 28○ MP Cost: 10○ ATK Multiplier: None○ Activation Chance: 15%
Rock RainRocks fall from above hitting random enemies five times. If an ally uses Lend a Hand the Thief's attack can hit up to eight times.○ Unlocked: Lv 33○ MP Cost: 20○ ATK Multiplier: 0.6○ Activation Chance: 30%

Pop Star

Miitopia Job Pop Star (Image credit: iMore)

Pop Stars wild a Microphone to deal Area-of-Effect (AOE) Damage or to provide party support.

Pop Star Stats

Swipe to scroll horizontally
Header Cell - Column 0 Level 1Level 50Lv. 50 w/ best equipment and max food buffs

Pop Star Skills

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EncoreGets an ally to take another turn.○ Unlocked: Lv23○ MP Cost: 2○ ATK Multipier: 25%○ Activation Chance: 25%
EarwormAn AOE skill that has a 50% of distracting enemies with a song so they don't attack.○ Unlocked : Lv 3○ MP Cost: 4○ ATK Multiplier: None○ Activation Chance: 30%
Out of TuneA physical AOE attack that hurts everyone on the battle field, even allies. If an ally uses Lend a Hand, the Pop Star deals more damage to allies as well as enemies. It cannot make Miis hate eachother.○ Unlocked : Lv 5○ MP Cost: 5○ ATK Multiplier: 1.5○ Activation Chance: 30%
Love & PeaceRemoves negative attitudes from a single target ally. Moody Miis instantly cheer up, but it might not work on Stubborn Miis.○ Unlocked: Lv 6○ MP Cost: 12○ ATK Multiplier: None○ Activation Chance: 70%
Love SongTemporarily raises the target's friendship level with all other allies to whatever the highest-level currently is on the team.○ Unlocked: Lv 8○ MP Cost: 4○ ATK Multiplier: None○ Activation Chance: 30%
Cheer OnBrings a small amount of MP back to the party.○ Unlocked: Lv 11○ MP Cost: 4○ ATK Multiplier: 0.24○ Activation Chance: 50%
Smooth MovesHeals the Pop Star's HP. If other players use Lend a Hand, they are also healed.○ Unlocked: Lv 16○ MP Cost: 1○ ATK Multiplier: 0.4○ Activation Chance: 30%
Way Out of TuneDeals a greater physical AOE attack that hurts everyone on the battlefield. However, it cannot make Miis hate eachother.○ Unlocked: Lv 33○ MP Cost: 20○ ATK Multiplier: 0.6○ Activation Chance: 30%
Angelic VoiceHas a 30% chance of bringing back all KO'd allies.○ Unlocked: Lv 27○ MP Cost: 15○ ATK Multiplier: None○ Activation Chance: 100%


Miitopia Job Chef (Image credit: iMore)

Equipped with a Frying Pan for high Attack and Defense. They can also heal pary members by cooking up dishes.

Chef Stats

Swipe to scroll horizontally
Header Cell - Column 0 Level 1Level 50Lv. 50 w/ best equipment and max food buffs

Chef Skills

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Home CookingRestores one ally's HP by 20.○ Unlocked: Lv 2○ MP Cost: 3○ Base power: 20○ ATK/MAGIC Multipier: None○ Activation Chance: 100%
FlambeTarget one enemy and deal a stong attack.○ Unlocked : Lv 4○ MP Cost: 4○ Base power: None○ ATK/MAGIC Multiplier: 1.5 (A)○ Activation Chance: 50%
Banana FritterAfter a Chef uses this Skill it doubles the effect of any Bananas allies use and increases friendship.○ Unlocked : Lv 6○ MP Cost: None○ Base power: None○ ATK/MAGIC Multiplier: None○ Activation Chance: N/A
Spicy DishMakes an ally breath fire to attack an opponent for heavy damage. The ally might also get upset with the Chef.○ Unlocked: Lv 8○ MP Cost: 3○ Base power: None○ ATK/MAGIC Multiplier: 2.5 (A)○ Activation Chance: 10%
FeastRestores entire party's HP after everyone has taken their turn.○ Unlocked: Lv 12○ MP Cost: 18○ Base power: 10○ ATK/MAGIC Multiplier: 0.6 (M)○ Activation Chance: 50%
Pro CookingRestores 80 HP to one ally.○ Unlocked: Lv 15○ MP Cost: 12○ Base power: 80○ ATK/MAGIC Multiplier: None○ Activation Chance: 100%
Spicy DinnerMakes the whole party breath fire with even greater damage, but the eaters might get angry at the Chef .○ Unlocked: Lv 20○ MP Cost: 10○ Base power: None○ ATK/MAGIC Multiplier: 1 (A)○ Activation Chance: 10%
Maestro CookingHeals 150 HP to one ally.○ Unlocked: Lv 25○ MP Cost: 20○ Base power: 150○ ATK/MAGIC Multiplier: None○ Activation Chance: 100%
Monster Dinner50% chance of making a meal out of the enemy after the battle. However, doesn't work on bosses or monsters that don't drop food.○ Unlocked: Lv 30○ MP Cost: 25○ Base power: None○ ATK/MAGIC Multiplier: None○ Activation Chance: 10%
Rebecca Spear
Gaming Editor

Gaming aficionado Rebecca Spear is iMore's dedicated gaming editor with a focus on Nintendo Switch and iOS gaming. You’ll never catch her without her Switch or her iPad Air handy. If you’ve got a question about Pokémon, The Legend of Zelda, or just about any other Nintendo series check out her guides to help you out. Rebecca has written thousands of articles in the last six years including hundreds of extensive gaming guides, previews, and reviews for both Switch and Apple Arcade. She also loves checking out new gaming accessories like iPhone controllers and has her ear to the ground when it comes to covering the next big trend.