Miitopia Jobs: Best Jobs, Personalities, Stats, Skills, and more

Unlockable Jobs

Spoiler Warning: Everying from here on out is a spoiler. Please only continue to read if you don't mind learning about things that happen further into the game.

Cat (Unlocks after Greenhorne)

Miitopia Job Cat (Image credit: iMore)

Cats use Claws and have high Attack and Speed to land multiple hits. These attacks can also self heal or cure status conditions. Also good at stealing food from enemies.

Cat Stats

Swipe to scroll horizontally
Header Cell - Column 0 Level 1Level 50Lv. 50 w/ best equipment and max food buffs

Cat Skills

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Sharpen ClawsMakes it so your next attack multiplies by 2.2○ Unlocked: Lv 2○ MP Cost: 4○ ATK Multipier: None○ Activation Chance: 20%
Playful AnticsRestores MP and increases friendship.○ Unlocked : Lv 4○ MP Cost: 0○ ATK Multiplier: 0.4 (M)○ Activation Chance: 20%
Cat's PawAttacks an enemy with a slashing movement.○ Unlocked : Lv 6○ MP Cost: 8○ ATK Multiplier: 1.4 (A)○ Activation Chance: 60%
Double ScratchMakes the Cat hit two enemies or one enemy with twice the damage.○ Unlocked: Lv 10○ MP Cost: 12○ ATK Multiplier: 0.85 (A)○ Activation Chance: 60%
GroomingGets rid of any of the Cat's status effects like Laughter or Crying.○ Unlocked: Lv 16○ MP Cost: 10○ ATK Multiplier: None○ Activation Chance: 20%
Steal GrubGrabs snacks from the enemy. Only works successfully once per enemy.○ Unlocked: Lv 21○ MP Cost: 6○ ATK Multiplier: None○ Activation Chance: 30%
Lick WoundsRestores some HP to the Cat.○ Unlocked: Lv 25○ MP Cost: 10○ ATK Multiplier: 0.7 (A)○ Activation Chance: 30%
Feline FrenzySlashes all enemies twice.○ Unlocked: Lv 32○ MP Cost: 20○ ATK Multiplier: 1.7 (A)○ Activation Chance: 30%

Imp (Unlocks after Greenhorne)

Miitopia Job Imp (Image credit: iMore)

Imps carry Spears that can steal HP and MP while dealing damage and lowering an enemy's Defense.

Imp Stats

Swipe to scroll horizontally
Header Cell - Column 0 Level 1Level 50Lv. 50 w/ best equipment and max food buffs

Imp Skills

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Naughty PitchforkSkewers an enemy.○ Unlocked: Lv 2○ MP Cost: 4○ Base power: 8○ ATK Multipier: 0.3○ Activation Chance: 60%
Butt JabMakes an ally attack in the Imp's place by dealing 1.3x the regular damage.○ Unlocked : Lv 3○ MP Cost: 3○ Base power: None○ ATK Multiplier: None○ Activation Chance: 30%
Sweet WhispersDistracts enemies and makes distracted enemies take 1.5x more damage.○ Unlocked : Lv 6○ MP Cost: 7○ Base power: None○ ATK Multiplier: None○ Activation Chance: 50%
Brain DrainSteals MP from an enemy. The amount absorbed is based on the enemy's Magic level.○ Unlocked: Lv 10○ MP Cost: 0○ Base power: 8○ ATK Multiplier: 0.1○ Activation Chance: 50%
Energy DrainSteal HP from an enemy.○ Unlocked: Lv 11○ MP Cost: 12○ Base power: 20○ ATK Multiplier: 0.15 (M)○ Activation Chance: 30%
CharmRestores some MP to an ally and makes them Excited. The effected ally can only use their default attack, but damage increases.○ Unlocked: Lv 15○ MP Cost: 10○ Base power: 3○ ATK Multiplier: 0.1○ Activation Chance: 70%
Punishing PitchforkSkewers an enemy and one on either side of it.○ Unlocked: Lv 18○ MP Cost: 12○ Base power: 25○ ATK Multiplier: 0.4○ Activation Chance: 60%
Demonic WhisperHas a 20% of defeating all enemies. Does not work on bosses.○ Unlocked: Lv 23○ MP Cost: 20○ Base power: None○ ATK Multiplier: None○ Activation Chance: 20%
Wicked PitchforksHits random enemies six times to inflect damage.○ Unlocked: Lv 31○ MP Cost: 35○ Base power: 20○ ATK Multiplier: 0.12○ Activation Chance: 60%

Scientist (Unlocks after Greenhorne)

Miitopia Job Scientist (Image credit: iMore)

The Scientist uses a Flask to hit multiple enemies and apply buffs. It's default attack only targets one enemy.

Scientist Stats

Swipe to scroll horizontally
Header Cell - Column 0 Level 1Level 50Lv. 50 w/ best equipment and max food buffs

Scientist Skills

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GlitchAttacks a single enemy to deal Magic damage.○ Unlocked: Lv 2○ MP Cost: 5○ Base power: 10○ MAGIC Multipier: 0.4○ Activation Chance: 60%
Ignite50% chance of widening a friend's attack to deal 1.6x more damage to an enemy and hit the enemies on either side of the target. Does not work on jobs that hit all enemies.○ Unlocked : Lv 5○ MP Cost: 6○ Base power: None○ MAGIC Multiplier: None○ Activation Chance: 50%
Unstable FormulaDeals damage to all enemies.○ Unlocked : Lv 7○ MP Cost: 15○ Base power: 20○ MAGIC Multiplier: 0.2○ Activation Chance: 60%
Safety Mask50% chance of blocking an ally from getting affected by status effects. Can also raise friendship.○ Unlocked: Lv 11○ MP Cost: 8○ Base power: None○ MAGIC Multiplier: None○ Activation Chance: 50%
Cure.exeHas a 20% chance of restoring an ally's HP and MP.○ Unlocked: Lv 14○ MP Cost: 10○ Base power: 10○ MAGIC Multiplier: 0.2 (M)○ Activation Chance: 50%
AbsorbThere's a 20% chance it will restore an ally's HP when the ally uses a regular attack. Doesn't work on allies whose default attack hits multiple enemies.○ Unlocked: Lv 17○ MP Cost: 10○ Base power: None○ MAGIC Multiplier: None○ Activation Chance: 20%
Volatile FormulaDeals damage to all enemies.○ Unlocked: Lv 24○ MP Cost: 28○ Base power: 70○ MAGIC Multiplier: 0.4○ Activation Chance: 60%
Black HoleDoes damage to all enemies.○ Unlocked: Lv 30○ MP Cost: 40○ Base power: 120○ MAGIC Multiplier: 0.5○ Activation Chance: 60%


Miitopia Job Tank (Image credit: iMore)

Tanks operate within Shells for high physical offense and defense. The default attack requires 2 MP and only attacks one enemy. Tanks can cause Resentment with other allies as they shoot unwilling friends from their shells, so it's best to have a Pop Star on your team to counteract that.

Tank Stats

Swipe to scroll horizontally
Header Cell - Column 0 Level 1Level 50Lv. 50 w/ best equipment and max food buffs

Tank Skills

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Human CannonballShoots an ally at the enemy to inflict damage. This raises the ally's Resentment towards the Tank.○ Unlocked: Lv 3○ MP Cost: 10○ ATK Multipier: 2.4○ Activation Chance: 20%
Wild ShotHits four random targets, this can include allies. Any allies that get hit raise Resentment.○ Unlocked : Lv 5○ MP Cost: 6○ ATK Multiplier: 0.6○ Activation Chance: 25%
DefenseMakes the Tank only take half damage. Only has 10% activation when enemy uses regular or physical attacks.○ Unlocked : Lv 7○ MP Cost: 12○ ATK Multiplier: None○ Activation Chance: 10%
LaserHits all enemies on the battlefield.○ Unlocked: Lv 10○ MP Cost: 15○ ATK Multiplier: 1○ Activation Chance: 25%
RepairPuts Tank in a defensive stance that halves damage taken for one turn and then restores some of the Tank's HP during the next turn.○ Unlocked: Lv 15○ MP Cost: 12○ ATK Multiplier: None○ Activation Chance: 50%
Hot ShotHits three random enemies. Lend a Hand can add extra hits.○ Unlocked: Lv 21○ MP Cost: 12○ ATK Multiplier: 0.7○ Activation Chance: 50%
Ultra LaserA more powerful laser that attacks all enemies.○ Unlocked: Lv 27○ MP Cost: 20○ ATK Multiplier: 1.7○ Activation Chance: 25%

Princess (Unlocks at Realm of Fey)

Miitopia Job Princess (Image credit: iMore)

The Princess wields a Fan and works to remove party status conditions, guard against enemy effects, and restore MP.

Princess Stats

Swipe to scroll horizontally
Header Cell - Column 0 Level 1Level 50Lv. 50 w/ best equipment and max food buffs

Princess Skills

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Regal DanceHas a 70% chance of distracting all enemies for one turn. Does not effect bosses.○ Unlocked: Lv 2○ MP Cost: 4○ Base power: None○ MAGIC Multipier: None○ Activation Chance: 40%
Royal WaveSlices an enemy with air.○ Unlocked : Lv 3○ MP Cost: 6○ Base power: 11○ MAGIC Multiplier: 0.4○ Activation Chance: 50%
EscortThere's a 20% chance an ally will help the Princess avoid an enemy attack. This also increases friendship.○ Unlocked : Lv 6○ MP Cost: None○ Base power: None○ MAGIC Multiplier: None○ Activation Chance: 20%
High TeaRestores the whold party's MP and increases friendship.○ Unlocked: Lv 10○ MP Cost: 0○ Base power: 5○ MAGIC Multiplier: 0.1○ Activation Chance: 50%
BlindfoldHas a 50% chance of blocking enemy status effects on one target. This also raises friendship if activated on an ally.○ Unlocked: Lv 13○ MP Cost: 8○ Base power: None○ MAGIC Multiplier: None○ Activation Chance: 50%
Double Royal WaveSlice an enemy with air. Can hit two enemies at once or a single target for double damage.○ Unlocked: Lv 17○ MP Cost: 20○ Base power: 10○ MAGIC Multiplier: 0.5○ Activation Chance: 50%
Eau de CologneUses a perfume that has a 70% chance of making enemies Absentminded. Absentminded enemies take 1.5x more damage.○ Unlocked: Lv 20○ MP Cost: 12○ Base power: None○ MAGIC Multiplier: None○ Activation Chance: 50%
Ultimate Royal WaveA much more powerful Royal Wave that hits all enemies.○ Unlocked: Lv 30○ MP Cost: 35○ Base power: 50○ MAGIC Multiplier: 0.8○ Activation Chance: 50%

Flower (Unlocks after Neksdor)

Miitopia Job Flower (Image credit: iMore)

The Flower attacks with Leaves and primarily has healing and magical attack abilities. It's default attack hits all enemies on the battlefield.

Flower Stats

Swipe to scroll horizontally
Header Cell - Column 0 Level 1Level 50Lv. 50 w/ best equipment and max food buffs

Flower Skills

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Gentle FragranceRestores an ally's HP.○ Unlocked: Lv 3○ MP Cost: 4○ Base power: 15○ MAGIC Multipier: 0.18○ Activation Chance: 40%
Life DewHas a 50% chance of raising a KO'd ally.○ Unlocked : Lv 4○ MP Cost: 8○ Base power: 7○ MAGIC Multiplier: 0.18○ Activation Chance: 100%
BlusterHurt an enemy with strong wind.○ Unlocked : Lv 6○ MP Cost: 6○ Base power: 15○ MAGIC Multiplier: 0.55○ Activation Chance: 50%
Sweet FragranceGreatly restores one ally's HP.○ Unlocked: Lv 8○ MP Cost: 6○ Base power: 30○ MAGIC Multiplier: 0.4○ Activation Chance: 40%
Restoring WhistleRemoves Confused status effects from allies.○ Unlocked: Lv 9○ MP Cost: 12○ Base power: None○ MAGIC Multiplier: None○ Activation Chance: 50%
Flower BedRestores all pary member's HP.○ Unlocked: Lv 15○ MP Cost: 15○ Base power: 15○ MAGIC Multiplier: 0.2○ Activation Chance: 40%
Flower PowerMakes an ally Angry, which increases damage dealt and lets them take two turns. However, affected players don't choose their attacks.○ Unlocked: Lv 20○ MP Cost: 12○ Base power: None○ MAGIC Multiplier: None○ Activation Chance: 40%
Mega Flower BedGreatly restores all party member's HP.○ Unlocked: Lv 25○ MP Cost: 23○ Base power: 50○ MAGIC Multiplier: 0.3○ Activation Chance: 40%
HurricaneHits all enemies with incredibly strong winds.○ Unlocked: Lv 32○ MP Cost: 32○ Base power: 60○ MAGIC Multiplier: 0.8○ Activation Chance: 40%

Miitopia Secret Jobs

There are two Secret Jobs in Miitopia that can only be unlocked upon completing a specific quest and obtaining a Charm. Here they are.

Vampire (Unlocks with Bat Charm)

Miitopia Job Vampire (Image credit: iMore)

The Vampire is a secret job only obtained after acquiring the Bat Charm, which is given to you after assisting a vampire at the Travelers' Hub with the Pop-Up Puppet quest. They wield Bats, attack with elemental attacks, and can steal HP. Their default attack hits all enemies. Vampires have the most HP of any job but they are also one of the slowest.

Vampire Stats

Swipe to scroll horizontally
Header Cell - Column 0 Level 1Level 50Lv. 50 w/ best equipment and max food buffs

Vampire Skills

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CurseEnemies are hurt with half the damage they attack the Vampire with. Activates 100% of the time.○ Unlocked: Lv 7○ MP Cost: 0○ ATK/MAGIC Multipier: None○ Activation Chance: N/A
ReviveSometimes the Vampire will revive with 1 HP after getting KO'd.○ Unlocked : Lv 10○ MP Cost: 1○ ATK/MAGIC Multiplier: None○ Activation Chance: 50%
Poison MistReleases gas that hurts all enemies.○ Unlocked : Lv 13○ MP Cost: 10○ ATK/MAGIC Multiplier: 0.9 (A)○ Activation Chance: 30%
BiteBites enemy and steals HP.○ Unlocked: Lv 17○ MP Cost: 1○ ATK/MAGIC Multiplier: 0.5 (A)○ Activation Chance: 30%
Chill MistFreezes enemies.○ Unlocked: Lv 21○ MP Cost: 20○ ATK/MAGIC Multiplier: 1.5 (A)○ Activation Chance: 30%
EnthrallGives an ally the effect of Revive for one battle, so they might be able to come back to life after getting KO'd during a battle. Revive goes away after the ally uses it once.○ Unlocked: Lv 25○ MP Cost: 15○ ATK/MAGIC Multiplier: None○ Activation Chance: 30%
Bat TornadoSwarms an enemy with a group of bats. It's used like a magic attack but hits like a physical attack.○ Unlocked: Lv 29○ MP Cost: 20○ ATK/MAGIC Multiplier: 2.2 (M)○ Activation Chance: 50%
Scorching BreathBlasts all enemies with fire.○ Unlocked: Lv 33○ MP Cost: 35○ ATK/MAGIC Multiplier: 2.2 (A)○ Activation Chance: 30%

Elf (Unlocks with Elven Charm)

Miitopia Miis Elf (Image credit: iMore)

The Elf attacks with a Bow and can both heal party members and put up barriers to protect allies. However, it has low HP and moves slowly. You can only unlock this secret job if you get the Elven Charm found in the secret grotto of the Galados Isle.

Elf Stats

Swipe to scroll horizontally
Header Cell - Column 0 Level 1Level 50Lv. 50 w/ best equipment and max food buffs

Elf Skills

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Dancing ArrowShoots an arrow that makes enemies dance. Use repeatedly to keep them from attacking. Doesn't work on bosses.○ Unlocked: Lv 9○ MP Cost: 8○ Base power: None○ ATK/MAGIC Multipier: 1.3 (A)○ Activation Chance: 20%
Healing MelodyHeals party HP by a certain amount.○ Unlocked : Lv 12○ MP Cost: 23○ Base power: 3○ ATK/MAGIC Multiplier: 0.4 (M)○ Activation Chance: 20%
Enchanted ArrowsHits the target and any enemies directly on either side of the target.○ Unlocked : Lv 17○ MP Cost: 18○ Base power: 12○ ATK/MAGIC Multiplier: 1.3 (M)○ Activation Chance: 20%
Forrest AegisConstructs a barrier that reduces the amount of damage an ally or the Elf receives.○ Unlocked: Lv 22○ MP Cost: 3○ Base power: None○ ATK/MAGIC Multiplier: None○ Activation Chance: 20%
Counter ArrowElf has a 10% chance of shooting an arrow at an enemy to prevent it from hurting a friend. Only works on regualr physcial attacks.○ Unlocked: Lv 26○ MP Cost: 2○ Base power: None○ ATK/MAGIC Multiplier: 0.3 (A)○ Activation Chance: 10%
Forest's BlessingRestores HP to an ally.○ Unlocked: Lv 31○ MP Cost: 15○ Base power: 10○ ATK/MAGIC Multiplier: 0.2 (M)○ Activation Chance: 20%
Hail of ArrowsSeveral arrows rain down and hit all enemies.○ Unlocked: Lv 34○ MP Cost: 32○ Base power: 100○ ATK/MAGIC Multiplier: 1.15 (M)○ Activation Chance: 20%

Now hiring!

As you make your way through Miitopia, make sure to have a healer, a strong melee fighter, a ranged fighter, and a support member on your team. Things will go a whole lot more smoothly for you.

Rebecca Spear
Gaming Editor

Gaming aficionado Rebecca Spear is iMore's dedicated gaming editor with a focus on Nintendo Switch and iOS gaming. You’ll never catch her without her Switch or her iPad Air handy. If you’ve got a question about Pokémon, The Legend of Zelda, or just about any other Nintendo series check out her guides to help you out. Rebecca has written thousands of articles in the last six years including hundreds of extensive gaming guides, previews, and reviews for both Switch and Apple Arcade. She also loves checking out new gaming accessories like iPhone controllers and has her ear to the ground when it comes to covering the next big trend.