Every Spirit you can find in Super Smash Bros Ultimate

There are 1397 Spirits in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, to be exact.
While Super Smash Bros. Ultimate's roster sheet has over 70 legit fighters on it, there are many more characters in featured in the game. We're talking about over a thousand more.
No, you can't fight with all of them, but these support characters — known as Spirits — will change the way your favorite Smash fighters impact the battles you'll have. We already know everything there is to know about Spirits and how they work. Now, we know who you can expect to meet on your travels when you fire this thing up on your Nintendo Switch.
There are over 1,300 characters that will show up in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as Spirits, most of which are from Nintendo lore, but with bits from Capcom, Konami, and other prominent developers sprinkled in. If you don't want to be surprised with the spirits that you'll find in the game, including the DLC Fighter's Pass, then keep on reading.
Every single Spirit you can find in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
- Mario
- Builder Mario
- Wedding Mario
- Luigi
- Peach
- Daisy
- Bowser
- Dr. Mario
- Rosalina
- Bowser Jr.
- Iggy
- Wendy
- Lemmy
- Roy (Super Mario Bros.)
- Larry
- Ludwig
- Morton
- Super Mushroom
- iFire Flower
- Super Star
- Metal Mario
- Boo Mario
- Rock Mario
- Gold Mario
- Fox Luigi
- Flying Squirrel Toad
- Baby Peach
- Cat Princess Peach
- Peach (Wedding)
- Bowser (Wedding)
- Toad
- iCaptain Toad
- iToadette
- Toadsworth
- Waluigi
- Goomba
- Koopa Troopa
- Hammer Bro
- iLakitu & Spiny
- Blooper
- Bullet Bill
- Banzai Bill
- Shy Guy
- Pidgit
- Birdo
- iMouser
- iWart
- Boo
- iKing Boo
- Bob-omb
- Chain Chomp
- Thwomp
- Nipper Plant
- iPetey Piranha
- Boom Boom
- iBoom Boom & Pom Pom
- Tatanga
- Hothead
- Chargin Chuck
- iWiggler
- Kamek
- Mechakoopa
- Dry Bowser
- Nabbit
- Big Urchin
- King Bob-omb
- Shine Sprite
- F.L.U.D.D
- Piantas
- Shadow Mario
- Luma
- Hungry Luma
- iHoney Queen
- Lubba
- iStarship Mario
- Sprixie Princesses
- Plessie
- Cappy
- iPauline
- iThe Odyssey
- Goo-Goo Buggy
- Barrel Train
- Bloom Coach
- Turbo Yoshi
- B Dasher
- Standard Kart
- iStandard Bike
- Cheep Charger
- Mach 8
- Biddybuggy
- iBadwagon
- City Tripper
- Master Cycle
- Paper Mario
- Paper Bowser
- Paper Bowser (Paper Mario: Sticker Star)
- Kammy Koopa
- Vivian
- Shadow Queen
- Mr. L
- Dimentio
- Huey
- Mallow
- Geno
- Prince Peasley
- Fawful
- iPrincess Shroob
- Starlow
- Broque Monsieur
- Dreambert
- Antasma
- Papercraft Mario
- Sidestepper
- Freezie
- Eggplant Man
- Viruses
- Flies & Hand
- Wanda
- Kid
- Professor Elvin Gadd
- Poltergust 5000
- Polterpup
- Perry
- Waluigi (Super Mario Strikers)
- Petey Piranha (Super Mario Strikers)
- Mini-Mario
- Mini-Mario & Hammers
- MC Ballyhoo & Big Top
- Rabbid Peach
- Rabbid Mario
- Rabbid Kong
- Mario (Mario Tennis Aces)
- Luigi (Mario Tennis Aces)
- Donkey Kong
- Diddy Kong
- King K. Rool
- Donkey Kong and Lady
- Donkey Kong Jr.
- Stanley
- Cranky Kong
- Funky Kong
- Candy Kong
- Swanky Kong
- Wrinkly Kong
- Dixie Kong
- Dixie Kong & Kiddy Kong
- Lanky Kong
- Tiny Kong
- Chunky Kong
- Rambi
- Enguarde
- Squawks
- Expresso
- Winky
- Squitter
- Rattly
- Ellie
- Professor Chops
- Kritter
- Zinger
- Klaptrap
- Kaptain K. Rool
- Baron K. Roolenstein
- Blast-o-Matic
- Tiki Tak Tribe
- Lord Fredrik
- Kip
- Kalypso
- Donkey Kong & Bongos
- Karate Kong
- Ninja Kong
- Link
- Zelda
- Sheik
- iGanondorf
- Young Link
- Toon Link
- Link (The Legend of Zelda)
- Octorok
- Moblin
- Tektite
- Like Like
- Darknut
- Fairy Bottle
- Agahnim
- Cucco
- Marin
- Wind Fish
- Young Zelda
- Zelda (Ocarina of Time)
- Ganon
- Saria
- Impa
- Kaepora Gaebora
- Malon
- Epona
- Goron
- Darunia
- Zora
- Ruto
- Great Fairy
- Koume & Kotake
- Twinrova
- ReDead
- Skull Kid
- Skull Kid & Majora's Mask
- Deku Link
- Fierce Deity Link
- Majora's Mask
- Moon
- Tingle
- Happy Mask Salesman
- Kafei
- Postman
- Din
- Nayru
- Ricky
- Dimitri (The Legend of Zelda)
- Moosh
- Ganondorf (Twilight Princess)
- Beast Ganon
- Midna
- Wolf Link & Midna
- Zant
- Agitha
- King Bulblin & Lord Bullbo
- Fi
- Ghirahim
- The Imprisoned
- Demise
- Loftwing
- Groose
- Wall-Merged Link
- Link (A Link Between Worlds)
- Ravio
- Hilda (The Legend of Zelda)
- Yuga
- Zelda (Breath of the Wild)
- Mipha
- Daruk
- Revali
- Urbosa
- Calamity Ganon
- Bokoblin
- Guardian
- Tetra
- Zelda (The Wind Waker)
- King of Red Lions
- King of Hyrule
- Aryll
- Medli
- Valoo
- Beedle
- Fishman
- Vaati
- Ezlo
- Linebeck
- Phantom
- Zelda (Spirit Tracks)
- Alfonzo & Engineer Link
- Byrne
- Totem Link
- Madame Couture
- Samus Aran
- Dark Samus
- Zero Suit Samus
- Ridley
- Meta Ridley
- Gravity Suit
- Fusion Suit
- Phazon Suit
- Dark Suit
- Light Suit
- Young Samus
- Geemer
- Chozo Statue
- Metroid
- Mother Brain
- Mother Brain (2nd Form)
- Gunship
- Queen Metroid
- Zebesian
- Kraid
- Phantoon
- X Parasite
- Nightmare
- Mecha Ridley
- Adam Malkovich
- Little Birdie
- Diggernaut
- Omega Ridley
- Parasite Queen
- Kanden
- Trace
- Gandrayda
- Mech
- Yoshi
- Yoshi (Yoshi's Crafted World)
- Baby Mario
- Baby Mario (Superstar Mario)
- Baby Bowser
- Stork
- Toadies
- Crazee Dayzee
- Tap-Tap
- Bandit
- Slugger & Green Glove
- Little Mouser
- Grim Leecher
- Roger the Potted Ghost
- Burt the Bashful
- Raphael the Raven
- Super Happy Tree
- Pak E. Derm
- Blargg
- Don Bongo
- Hongo
- Spirit Who Loves Surprises
- Mega Eggdozer
- Ukiki
- Yarn Yoshi
- Yarn Poochy
- Kirby
- Meta Knight
- King Dedede
- Warp Star
- Star Rod
- Ultra Sword
- Robobot Armor
- Halberd
- Dragoon
- Rick
- Kine
- Coo
- Gooey
- Nago
- Pitch
- ChuChu
- Whispy Woods
- Kracko
- Nightmare's Power Orb
- Nightmare Wizard
- Dark Matter
- Gryll
- Dyna Blade
- Heavy Lobster
- Marx
- Marx (True Form)
- Moley
- Dark Mind
- Daroach
- Dark Daroach
- Masked Dedede
- Galacta Knight
- Magolor
- Landia
- Queen Sectonia
- Susie
- The Three Mage-Sisters
- Waddle Dee
- Bandana Waddle Dee
- Waddle Doo
- Bronto Burt
- Poppy Bros. Jr.
- Gordo
- Scarfy
- Angry Scarfy
- Rocky
- Wheelie
- Bomber
- Bugzzy
- Bonkers
- Mr. Frosty
- Meta-Knights
- Mr. Shine & Mr. Bright
- Plasma Wisp
- Tac
- Chef Kawasaki
- Knuckle Joe
- Prince Fluff
- Elline
- Fox McCloud
- Falco Lombardi
- Wolf O'Donnell
- Slippy Toad
- Peppy Hare
- Krystal
- ROB 64
- James McCloud
- Arwing
- Great Fox
- Landmaster
- Walker
- Gyrowing
- Leon Powalski
- Pigma Dengar
- Andrew Oikonny
- Panther Caroso
- Wolfen
- Andross
- Andross (Star Fox 64 3D)
- Andross (True Form)
- Aparoid
- General Pepper
- Tricky
- Dash Bowman
- Pikachu
- Pikachu Libre
- Jigglypuff
- Pichu
- Mewtwo
- Pokémon Trainer (Male)
- Pokémon Trainer (Female)
- Squirtle
- Ivysaur
- Charizard
- Lucario
- Greninja
- Incineroar
- Venusaur
- Charmander
- Mega Charizard X
- Blastoise
- Metapod
- Pidgey
- Arbok
- Alolan Raichu
- Sandshrew
- Clefairy
- Vulpix
- Alolan Vulpix
- Dugtrio
- Meowth
- Psyduck
- Arcanine
- Abra
- Machamp
- Geodude
- Rapidash
- Slowpoke
- Magneton
- Farfetch'd
- Gengar
- Electrode
- Alolan Exeggutor
- Cubone
- Hitmonlee
- Weezing
- Chansey
- Kangaskhan
- Mega Kangaskhan
- Goldeen
- Staryu
- Pinsir
- Tauros
- Gyarados
- Lapras
- Ditto
- Eevee
- Porygon
- Snorlax
- Articuno, Zapdos, & Moltres
- Dragonite
- Mega Mewtwo Y
- Mew
- Chikorita
- Togepi
- Ampharos
- Bellossom
- Marill
- Sudowoodo
- Wooper
- Unown
- Wobbuffett
- Steelix
- Scizor
- Heracross
- Skarmory
- Houndoom
- Smeargle
- Miltank
- Raikou, Entei, & Suicune
- Tyranitar
- Lugia
- Ho-oh
- Celebi
- Blaziken
- Gardevoir
- Shedinja
- Flygon
- Milotic
- Absol
- Salamence
- Metagross
- Latias & Latios
- Kyogre
- Primal Kyogre
- Groudon
- Primal Groudon
- Rayquaza
- Jirachi
- Deoxys (Normal Forme)
- Piplup
- Garchomp
- Mega Lucario
- Abomasnow
- Rotom
- Uxie, Mesprit & Azelf
- Dialga
- Palkia
- Regigigas
- Giratina (Altered Forme)
- Giratina (Origin Forme)
- Cresselia
- Manaphy
- Darkrai
- Shaymin (Land Forme)
- Shaymin (Sky Forme)
- Arceus
- Victini
- Oshawott
- Zoroark
- Chandelure
- Hydreigon
- Cobalion, Terrakion, & Virizion
- Tornadus (Incarnate Forme)
- Thundurus (Incarnate Forme)
- Reshiram
- Zekrom
- Landorus (Therian Forme)
- Kyurem
- Kyurem (Black Kyurem)
- Kyurem (White Kyurem)
- Keldeo (Ordinary Forme)
- Keldeo (Resolute Forme)
- Meloetta (Aria Forme)
- Genesect
- Chespin
- Aegislash
- Inkay
- Dedenne
- Xerneas
- Yveltal
- Zygarde (50% Forme)
- Zygarde (Complete Forme)
- Diancie
- Mega Diancie
- Hoopa (Confined)
- Hoopa (Unbound)
- Volcanion
- Rowlet
- Bewear
- Pyukumuku
- Togedemaru
- Mimikyu
- Tapu Koko
- Solgaleo
- Lunala
- Nihilego
- Necrozma
- Magearna
- Detective Pikachu
- Ness
- Lucas
- Ninten
- Ana
- Lloyd
- Teddy
- Flying Man
- Starman
- Paula
- Jeff
- Poo
- Buzz Buzz
- Ness´s Father
- Mr. Saturn
- Dungeon Man
- Ramblin' Evil Mushroom
- Master Belch
- Flint
- Hinawa
- Boney
- Duster
- Kumatora
- Salsa
- Ultimate Chimera
- Absolutely Safe Capsule
- Masked Man
- Claus
- Captain Falcon
- Dr. Stewart
- Pico
- Samurai Goroh
- Jody Summer
- Mighty Gazelle
- Baba
- Octoman
- Mr. EAD
- Bio-Rex
- Blood Falcon
- Jack Levin
- Zoda
- Black Shadow
- The Skull
- Ice Climbers
- Condor
- Polar Bear
- Eggplant
- Marth
- Lucina
- Roy (Fire Emblem)
- Chrom
- Ike (Path of Radiance)
- Ike (Radiant Dawn)
- Robin (Male)
- Robin (Female)
- Corrin (Male)
- Corrin (Female)
- Caeda
- Jagen
- Draug
- Wrys
- Bord & Cord & Barst
- Navarre
- Merric
- Minerva
- Linde
- Pegasus Sisters
- Tiki
- Tiki (Naga's Voice)
- Nyna
- Camus
- Sirius
- Medeus
- Gharnef
- Alm & Celica (Young)
- Alm & Celica
- Sigurd
- Deirdre
- Seliph
- Leif (Fire Emblem)
- Julius
- Lilina
- Lyn
- Lyn (Blade Lord)
- Eliwood
- Hector (Fire Emblem)
- Raven
- Ninian
- Karel
- Nino
- Eirika
- Ephraim
- L'Arachel
- Lyon
- Titania
- Soren
- Mist
- Sothe
- Elincia
- Queen Elincia
- Ashnard
- Zelgius
- Black Knight
- Micaiah
- Lissa
- Lon'qu
- Cordelia
- Tharja
- Anna
- Gangrel
- Walhart
- Owain
- Severa
- Azura
- Jakob
- Ryoma
- Hinoka
- Takumi
- Sakura (Fire Emblem)
- Xander
- Camilla
- Leo
- Elise
- Garon
- Tsubasa Oribe
- Tsubasa Oribe (Carnage Form)
- Mr. Game & Watch
- Ball
- Flagman
- Fire
- Judge
- Manhole
- Helmet
- Lion
- Parachute
- Octopus
- Chef (Game & Watch)
- Turtle Bridge
- Fire Attack
- Oil Panic
- Pit
- Dark Pit
- Palutena
- Pit (Original)
- Centurion
- Three Sacred Treasures
- Daybreak
- Medusa
- Medusa (Kid Icarus Uprising)
- Twinbellows
- Hewdraw
- Pandora
- Amazon Pandora
- Thanatos
- Hades
- Hades (Final Form)
- Specknose
- Reaper & Reapette
- Eggplant Wizard
- Psuedo Palutena
- Viridi
- Phosphora
- Lurchthorn
- Magnus
- Dyntos
- Mimicutie
- Wario
- Wario (Overalls)
- Jimmy T.
- Mona
- 9-Volt & 18-Volt
- Dribble & Spitz
- Kat & Ana
- Dr. Crygor
- Orbulon
- Wario-Man
- Ashley
- Young Cricket
- 5-Volt
- 5-Volt (Angry)
- Pyoro
- Fronks
- Captain Syrup
- Princess Shokora
- Count Cannoli
- Shake King
- Solid Snake
- Liquid Snake
- Gray Fox
- Hal Emmerich
- Roy Campbell
- Meryl Silverburgh
- Mei Ling
- Solidus Snake
- Rosemary
- Naked Snake
- Big Boss
- The Boss
- Revolver Ocelot (Metal Gear Solid 3)
- Revolver Ocelot (Metal Gear Solid 5)
- Zero (Metal Gear Solid 3)
- Raiden
- Kazuhira Miller
- Paz Ortega Andrade
- Strangelove
- Metal Gear REX
- Metal Gear RAY
- Gekko
- Metal Gear ZEKE
- Sahelanthropus
- Cardboard Box
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik
- Miles "Tails" Prower
- Super Sonic
- Amy Rose
- Metal Sonic
- Knuckles
- Chaotix
- Big the Cat
- E-102 Gamma
- Chaos
- Chao
- Hero Chao
- Shadow the Hedgehog
- Super Shadow
- Rouge the Bat
- Cream & Cheese
- Omega
- Blaze the Cat
- Jet the Hawk
- Silver The Hedgehoge
- Sonic the Werehog
- Infinite
- Olimar
- Alph
- Louie
- Charlie
- Brittany
- Red Pikmin
- Blue Pikmin
- Yellow Pikmin
- White Pikmin
- Purple Pikmin
- Winged Pikmin
- Rock Pikmin
- Bulborb
- Empress Bulblax
- Emperor Bulblax
- Burrowing Snagret
- Plasm Wraith
- Firey Blowhog
- Smoky Progg
- Swooping Snitchbug
- Iridescent Glint Beetle
- Yellow Wollywog
- Peckish Aristocrab
- Mockiwi
- R.O.B.
- Stack-UP
- Gyromite
- Villager (Male)
- Villager (Girl)
- Isabelle
- Tom Nook
- Tom Nook (Nookington's)
- Timmy & Tommy
- DJ K.K.
- K.K. Slider
- Mr. Resetti
- Don Resetti
- Rover
- Redd
- Gracie
- Gulliver
- Pete
- Phyllis & Pelly
- Copper and Booker
- Joan
- Katrina
- Lloid
- Tortimer
- Kapp'n
- Kapp'n (Wild World)
- Able Sisters
- Blathers
- Celeste
- Harriet
- Brewster
- Lyle
- Kaitlin & Katie
- Dr. Shrunk
- Frillard
- Kicks
- Zipper T. Bunny
- Serena
- Cyrus & Reese
- Leif (Animal Crossing)
- Digby
- Lottie
- Mega Man
- Proto Man
- Bass
- Dr. Light
- Roll
- Rush
- Beat
- Auto
- Duo
- Dr. Wily
- Wily Capsule
- Mettaur
- Cut Man
- Guts Man
- Ice Man
- Bomb Man
- Fire Man
- Elec Man
- Yellow Devil
- Metal Man
- Air Man
- Quick Man
- Crash Man
- Flash Man
- Wood Man
- Hard Man
- Top Man
- Snake Man
- Spark Man
- Shadow Man
- Drill Man
- Dive Man
- Skull Man
- Gravity Man
- Napalm Man
- Dark Man 4
- Knight Man
- Wind Man
- Slash Man
- Sword Man
- Galaxy Man
- X
- Full Armor X
- Zero (Zero Buster)
- Zero (Z-Saber)
- Axl
- Sigma
- Mega Man Volnutt
- Roll Caskett
- Tron Bonne
- MegaMan.EXE
- ProtoMan.EXE
- Geo Stelar & Omega-Xis
- Star Force Mega Man
- Mega Man Zero
- Model X
- Model ZX
- Wii Fit Trainer (Female)
- Wii Fit Trainer (Male)
- Wii Balance Board
- Pet
- Jackknife
- Deep Breathing
- Sun Salutation
- Tree
- Dancer
- Warrior
- Arm & Leg Lift
- Little Mac
- Giga Mac
- Doc Louis
- Glass Joe
- Bald Bull
- Mr. Sandman
- Bear Hugger
- Great Tiger
- Super Macho Man
- Von Kaiser
- Don Flamenco
- King Hippo
- Soda Popinski
- Piston Hondo
- Pac-Man
- Mother Fairy
- Ghosts
- Bonus Fruit
- Shulk
- Fiora
- Mecha-Fiora
- Reyn
- Sharla
- Dunban
- Melia
- Riki (Xenoblade Chronicles)
- Mumkhar
- Metal Face
- Affinity
- Inspired
- Fortitudo
- Alraune
- Inkling (Girl)
- Inkling (Boy)
- Inkling Squid
- Judd
- Lil' Judd
- Squid Sisters
- Off the Hook
- Sheldon
- Annie
- Jelonzo
- Crusty Sean
- Spyke
- Flow
- Jelfonzo
- Bisk
- Murch
- Cap'n Cuttlefish
- Octoling
- DJ Octavio
- Octobot King
- Zapfish
- Great Zapfish
- Octoling Girl & Octoling Boy
- Octoling Octopus
- Super Sea Snail
- Simon Belmont
- Richter Belmont
- Trevor C. Belmont
- Maria Renard
- Maria Renard (Symphony of the Night)
- Alucard
- Reinhardt Schneider
- Nathan Graves
- Hugh Baldwin
- Juste Belmont
- Yoko Belnades
- Leon Belmont
- Julius Belmont
- Hector (Castlevania)
- Jonathan Morris
- Charlotte Aulin
- Shanoa
- Gabriel Belmont
- Medusa Head
- Mummy
- The Creature & Flea Man
- Death
- Carmilla
- Werewolf
- Shaft
- Dracula
- Soma Cruz
- Dracula (2nd Form)
- Kid Dracula
- Sebastian Tute
- Party Phil
- Elma
- Lin
- Lao
- Tatsu
- Formula
- Rex
- Pyra
- Mythra
- Nia
- Tora
- Poppi α
- Mòrag
- Zeke
- Duck Hunt
- Wild Gunman
- Gangster, Lady, & Policeman
- Ryu
- Ken
- E. Honda
- Chun-Li (Street Fighter Alpha)
- Chun-Li
- Blanka
- Zangief
- Guile
- Dhalsim
- Balrog
- Vega
- Sagat
- M. Bison
- Cammy
- Fei Long
- Dee Jay
- T. Hawk
- Akuma
- Nash
- Dan
- Sakura (Street Fighter)
- Gen
- Karin
- Cody
- Ibuki
- Yun & Yang
- Juri
- Cloud
- Cloud (Advent Children)
- Bayonetta
- Bayonetta (Bayonetta)
- Gomorrah
- Madama Butterfly
- Jeanne
- Cutie J
- Rodin
- Rodin, the Infinite One
- Luka
- Cereza
- Loki
- Balder
- Father Balder
- Masked Lumen
- Prophet
- Dark Emperor
- Iris Archwell
- Gold Bone
- Coraline
- Shinobu
- Crispin
- Nico Fire
- Plane
- Monita
- Mii Brawler
- Mii Swordfighter
- Mii Gunner
- Sandbag
- Smash Ball
- Master Hand
- Crazy Hand
- Giga Bowser
- Galleom
- Duon
- Tabuu
- Master Giant
- Master Beast
- Master Edges
- Master Core
- Galeem
- Dharkon
- Fighting Alloy Team
- Primid
- Mite
- Bytans
- Roturret
- Shadow Bug
- Subspace Bomb
- Ancient Minister
- Sheriff
- Pitcher & Batter
- Tennis Player
- Tamagon
- Devil
- Urban Champion
- Bubbles
- Unira
- Excitebike
- Balloon Fighter
- Fish
- Mach Rider
- Diskun
- Takamaru
- Volleyball Player
- Donbe & Hikari
- Donbe & Hikari (Shin Onigashima Kouhen)
- Hockey Players
- Tank & Infantry
- Andy
- Eagle
- Olaf
- Ayumi Tachibana
- Goku & Chao
- Sukapon
- Yakuman Player
- Commander
- Frog & Snake
- Prince of Sablé
- Prince Richard
- Muddy Mole
- Maruhige Shop Owner
- Satoru
- Dr. Wright
- ST Falcon
- F-Type
- Tractor Trailer
- Lip
- Dion, Max & Jack
- Hakkun
- Girl from Hajimari no Mori
- Harry
- Ryota Hayami
- Akari Hayami
- Ray Mk II
- Ray Mk III
- Flare
- Bayonette
- Saki Amamiya
- Isa Jo
- Helirin
- Alessandro Inzaghi
- Isaac
- Isaac (Dark Dawn)
- Garet
- Ivan
- Mia
- Felix
- Jenna
- Matthew
- Magical Vacation Protagonists
- Putty
- Mokka
- DeMille
- Tomatrio
- Starfy
- Starly
- Moe
- Old Man Lobber
- Mermaid
- Mattel
- Cupid
- Lil' Blue
- Yama
- Jill & the Drill Dozer
- Pocket Football Player
- Karate Joe
- The Wandering Samurai
- Wandering Samurai (Rhythm Heaven Fever)
- Sick Beats Doctor
- The Chorus Kids
- Munchy Monk
- Reporter & Wrestler
- Baxter & Forthington
- Sumo Brothers
- Peachette
- Link (Link's Awakening)
- Owl
- Hero (Dragon Quest XI S)
- Hero (Dragon Quest III)
- Hero (Dragon Quest IV)
- Hero (Dragon Quest VIII)
- Hero's Comrades
- Cetacea
- Slime
- King Slime
- Dracky
- Golem
- Great Sabrecub
- Great Sabrecat
- Liquid Metal Slime
- Banjo & Kazooie
- Tooty
- Bottles
- Mumbo Jumbo
- Jinjos
- The Mighty Jinjonator
- Jiggy
- Gruntilda
- Buzzbomb
- Tockles
- Radiant Gleam
- Kloster (Grief)
- Bullet Walker (Brigadier General)
- High Line (Guns Empress)
- I-Tetromino
- T-Tetromino
- S-Tetromino & Z-Tetromino
- L-Tetromino & J-Tetromino
- O-Tetromino
- Terry Bogard
- Andy Bogard
- Joe Higashi
- Kim Kaphwan
- Geese Howard
- Ryo Sakazaki
- Kyo Kusanagi
- Iori Yagami
- Haohmaru
- Nakoruru
- Athena Asamiya
- Ralf & Clark
- Zacian & Zamazenta
- Grookey, Scorbunny, & Sobble
- Corviknight
- Morpeko
- Wesker
- Leon
- Chris
- Jill
- ASTRAL CHAIN Hero (Female)
- ASTRAL CHAIN Hero (male)
- Kyle
- Lappy
- Byleth (Male)
- Pig
- Alexandra Roivas
- Mappo
- Sagi
- Milly
- Chibi-Robo
- Super Chibi-Robo
- Telly
- Drake Redcrest
- Chibi-Tot
- Barbara the Bat
- Ashley Robbins
- Hanenbow
- Dr. Kawashima
- Dr. Kawashima (Concentration Training)
- Dr. Lobe
- Ouendan
- Ouendan Cheerleaders
- Elite Beat Agents
- Elite Beat Divas
- Satoru Amatsubo
- Warrior Mech Gauss
- Kyle Hyde
- Kurikin
- Hsien
- Magkid
- Aisya
- Num Diddly
- Idea
- Welt
- T-Rex
- Nibbles
- Glory of Heracles Hero
- Heracles
- Chef (Personal Trainer: Cooking)
- Shop Assistant
- Vince
- Looksley
- Prince Saruno
- Mio & Mayu Amakura
- Yuri Kozukata
- Nick
- Captain Rainbow
- Raymond Bryce
- Beetle
- Orville
- Frey & Freya
- Ando-Kensaku
- Zip
- Zael
- Calista
- Aeron
- Elena
- Toy Poodle
- French Bulldog
- Labrador Retriever
- BlueShark
- Mallo
- Sakura Samurai
- Nikki
- Noise
- Dillon
- Russ
- Shovel Knight
- Shield Knight
- Plague Knight
- King Knight
- Specter Knight
- Culdra
- Goligan
- Allen
- Tempo
- Eddy
- Kageshina Kurabe
- Inuji Darumeshi
- Rusty Slugger
- Arcade Bunny
- Qbby
- Henry Fleming
- Tethu
- Esna
- Musashi
- Wonder-Red
- Wonder-Blue
- Rayman
- Clip & Snip
- Spring Man
- Ribbon Girl
- Min Min
- Twintelle
- Ninjara
- Boss Galaga
- Bomberman
- Akira
- Rathalos
- Shantae
- Risky Boots
- Partner Pikachu
- Partner Eevee
- Dice Block
- River Survival
- Golden Dash Mushroom
- Piranha Plant
- Joker (Phantom Thief)
- Joker (Student)
- Phantom Thieves of Hearts
- Igor
- Caroline & Justine
- Morgana
- Ryuji Sakamoto
- Ann Takamaki
- Yusuke Kitagawa
- Makoto Niijima
- Futaba Sakura
- Haru Okumura
- Goro Akechi
- Toy-Con Robot
- Toy-Con Car
- Professor Riggs, Plaise, & Lerna
- Toy-Con VR Goggles
- Byleth (Female)
- Edelgard
- Edelgard (Five Years Later)
- Dimitri (Fire Emblem)
- Dimitri (Five Years Later)
- Claude
- Claude (Five Years Later)
- Sothis
- Rhea
- Seteth
- Dorothea
- Ingrid
- Hilda (Fire Emblem)
- Kunio
- Riki (River City)
- Goda
- Ryuichi & Ryuji
Updated February 2020: These are all of the Spirits that you can find in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, including the DLC from the Fighter's Pass.
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Christine Romero-Chan was formerly a Senior Editor for iMore. She has been writing about technology, specifically Apple, for over a decade at a variety of websites. She is currently part of the Digital Trends team, and has been using Apple’s smartphone since the original iPhone back in 2007. While her main speciality is the iPhone, she also covers Apple Watch, iPad, and Mac when needed. When she isn’t writing about Apple, Christine can often be found at Disneyland in Anaheim, California, as she is a passholder and obsessed with all things Disney, especially Star Wars. Christine also enjoys coffee, food, photography, mechanical keyboards, and spending as much time with her new daughter as possible.