Harry Potter: Wizards Unite - Wizarding Challenge Tips & Tricks

Using Profession spells

Once you've picked a Profession and started building up your Skill Tree, you'll unlock profession spells that enhance you in battle. For example, the Professor Profession gives a Deterioration Hex that lowers the enemy's stamina every time they attack or defend. The Mending Charm restores your or a teammate's stamina.

You'll need to activate Professor Spells before you begin a battle. To do so, drag your spell from your Spell Container, which is at the bottom of the screen, just above your Focus bar, and drop it on to either an enemy or a friend, depending on whether you're casting a hex or a charm.

Different Profession Spells do different things. We'll have a full guide for each Profession's spells soon and will link it here when we have it.

Harry Potter Wizards Unite Fortress Challenges Profession Spells

Harry Potter Wizards Unite Fortress Challenges Profession Spells (Image credit: iMore)

How to know what type of enemy you're battling

Before you jump into a battle with an enemy, especially if you're with a group, check your opponent's type to see if it's resistant to or weakened by your Profession. This can help you decide whether you need to use a Profession Spell, drink a potion, or let your friends do the heavy lifting.

Remember these rules: - Aurors are strong against Dark Forces and weak against Beasts. - Magizoologists are strong against Beasts and weak against Curiosities. - Professors are strong against Curiosities and weak against Dark Forces.

Your opponent in battle will have a symbol next to it, showing its strength or weakness, which is noted with a green arrow pointing up or a red arrow pointing down. If the arrow is red, it is more resistant to your spells. If the arrow is green, it is weak against your spells.

How combat works in a Wizarding Challenge

Defeating an enemy in combat is not determined so much by your real-life ability to trace the spell gesture accurately and fast, but more by the skills you unlock in your chosen Profession Skill Tree. You can defeat enemies in Level I and II Chambers pretty easily if you're alone and haven't chosen a profession, but once you get to the third Chamber, you'll need to be stronger against your enemies. Choosing a Profession and building your Skill Tree out will increase your stats, which make you more powerful, accurate, and able to defend yourself and others against attack.

Before you start trying to take on higher-level Chambers, make sure you're Profession is at least the minimum recommended Grade.

You can find your Grade in the Professions tab. Tap your Vault, then tap **Profession. It is listed at the top under the title of your profession.

Harry Potter Wizards Unite Fortress Challenges 3

Harry Potter Wizards Unite Fortress Challenges 3 (Image credit: iMore)

Here are the basic steps for combat actions.

  1. Line your wand up with your foe by moving your finger across the screen until your Spell Ring lines up with the Attack Ring.
  2. Keep your wand's Spell Ring over the Attack Ring until the circle completely lights up.
  3. Follow the on-screen gestures for the spell you are performing.
  4. When it is the enemy's turn, swipe in the direction required to defend against the attacking spell.

Complete these steps until you win. As long as its health decreases faster than yours, you'll win.

In the middle of a battle, you can take a Health Potion to recover some stamina without losing your turn to cast a spell, which is important because your health does not recover on its own during a Wizarding Challenge.

Each Challenge involves multiple battles, which grow more difficult as your Level increases, and more people join your battle with you. The difficulty will also increase if you use a higher level Runestone, which also turns into greater chances for rewards.

Lory Gil

Lory is a renaissance woman, writing news, reviews, and how-to guides for iMore. She also fancies herself a bit of a rock star in her town and spends too much time reading comic books.  If she's not typing away at her keyboard, you can probably find her at Disneyland or watching Star Wars (or both).