What happens when you complete the Crown Tundra Pokédex?

Crown Tundra Crown
Crown Tundra Crown (Image credit: iMore)

The Crown Tundra expansion is finally here, bringing back old Pokémon and introducing new ones. With the Crown Tundra comes a new Pokédex within Pokémon Sword and Shield to make one of the best Nintendo Switch games even better. The Crown Tundra Pokédex has 210 entries to fill, though some of those overlap with the other Pokédexes in the game. Here's what you get for completing the Crown Tundra Pokédex.

To get the rewards, you need to speak with the scientist in the white lab coat at the Crown Tundra Station after completing your Crown Tundra Pokédex.

Replica State Crown

Crown Tundra State Crown

Crown Tundra State Crown (Image credit: iMore)

It's nice to be able to show off that you've completed the Isle of Armor Pokédex. When you complete it, you'll get a Replica Gold Crown you can wear around.

A lovely certificate

Crown Tundra Pokedex

Crown Tundra Pokedex (Image credit: iMore)

Similar to what you get for completing the Isle of Armor Pokédex, you get a certificate for completing the Crown Tundra Pokédex. You can take a look at the certificate again by chatting with the scientist whenever you'd like.

Rare Candies and more

In addition to the unique items above, you also get 50 Rare Candies and 3 Gold Bottle Caps. Those should all come in handy when getting your new Pokémon ready for battle.

Sean Endicott