Pokémon Go: How to get all the Platinum Medals fast

Pokémon Go Raid Medals

(Image credit: Niantic)

How do you get the Champion Medal in Pokémon Go?

The Champion medal in Pokémon Go is straightforward. Win raid battles.

  • Bronze: Win ten Raids
  • Silver: Win 100 Raids
  • Gold: Win 1,000 Raids
  • Platinum: Win 2,000 Raids

While this would take several years with the single free Raid Pass you get each day, if you prioritize spending your PokéCoins on bundles that include Premium Battle Passes or Remote Raid Passes, you can complete this one much faster.

How do you get the Battle Legend Medal in Pokémon Go?

Battle Legend is just like Champion, but for Legendary Raids.

  • Bronze: Win ten Legendary Raids
  • Silver: Win 100 Legendary Raids
  • Gold: Win 1,000 Legendary Raids
  • Platinum: Win 2,000 Legendary Raids

Again, since you only get one Free Raid Pass a day, that could take you several years. If you buy Premium Raid Passes, of course, and track down as many Tier 5 Raids as you can, you can get there much faster. This will cost a lot of Pokécoins or real cash.

How do you get the Pokémon Ranger Medal in Pokémon Go?

The Pokémon Ranger Medal is rewarded for completing Field Research tasks collected by spinning PokéStops. You can get one task per PokéStop per day, but you the only limit to tasks you can complete is your own time and energy.

  • Bronze: Complete ten Field Research tasks
  • Silver: Complete 100 Field Research tasks
  • Gold: Complete 1,000 Field Research tasks
  • Platinum: Complete 2,500 Field Research tasks

Also, make sure you're making the most of Community Day. During Community Days, the regular research tasks are replaced with a task that require you to catch three of the featured Pokémon. This means you can clear tons of these in the course of the event.

How do you get the Pilot Medal in Pokémon Go?

The Pilot medal is all about trading Pokémon from different places and is measured in distance. For example, if you catch a Pokémon in Japan and trade it for a Pokémon caught in New York, you'd get credit for roughly 10,000 KM.

  • Bronze: Trade Pokémon over 1,000 KM distance
  • Silver: Trade Pokémon over 100,000 KM distance
  • Gold: Trade Pokémon over 1,000,000 KM distance
  • Platinum: Trade Pokémon over 10,000,000 KM distance

If you're limited to how much travel you can do, another way to get this Medal fast is to make international Pokémon Go friends and send each other presents. When you get a 7 KM egg from a friend, its location is based on where your friend picked up the gift. Then, trade that Pokémon to a local friend and presto! You just gained a lot of distance!

How do you get the Gentleman Medal in Pokémon Go?

You earn the Gentleman Medal by completing Trades.

  • Bronze: Complete ten Trades
  • Silver: Complete 100 Trades
  • Gold: Complete 1,000 Trades
  • Platinum: Complete 2,500 Trades

Remember, a Pokémon can only be traded once, and certain trades are more expensive, but if you work with a friend trading lots of common Pokémon, you can finish this one in no time flat.

How do you get the Idol Medal in Pokémon Go?

The Idol Medal looks deceptively easy. All you need is three Best Friends to get the gold. But it takes 90 days to get a Best Friend. So, if you increase your friendship status with three different friends every day, the fastest you can get it is 90 days.

  • Bronze: Become Best Friends with one Trainer
  • Silver: Become Best Friends with two Trainers
  • Gold: Become Best Friends with three Trainers
  • Platinum: Become Best Friends with 20 Trainers

The way to speed this Medal up is to build up multiple Friendships at once. You can Raid, Trade, Battle, and Gift with many different Trainers each day, so it's possible you could build up all the necessary Friendships for Platinum at the same time.

How do you get the Cameraman Medal in Pokémon Go?

The Cameraman Medal is earned from having a Pokémon photobomb your AR Snapshots. Events that feature guaranteed Snapshot Surprises, especially Community Day, are the best time to earn this medal.

  • Bronze: Have ten Pokémon Snapshot Surprises
  • Silver: Have 50 Pokémon Snapshot Surprises
  • Gold: Have 200 Pokémon Snapshot Surprises
  • Platinum: Have 400 Pokémon Snapshot Surprises

See our Smeargle Guide to learn more about this feature.

How do you get the League Veteran Medals in Pokémon Go?

You can ean League Veteran Medals by completing Trainer Battles in the Pokémon Go Battle League. There are separate Medals for Great League, Ultra League, and Master League, but they all require the same number of wins:

  • Bronze: Win five Trainer Battles
  • Silver: Win 50 Trainer Battles
  • Gold: Win 200 Trainer Battles
  • Platinum: Win 1,000 Trainer Battles

While the Bronze and Platinum Medals don't grant a reward, the Silver and Gold grant new styles in the shop:

  • Silver Great: Ace Gloves, Ace Earbud
  • Gold Great: Veteran Pants
  • Silver Ultra: Ace Top
  • Gold Ultra: Veteren Jacket
  • Silver Master: Ace Shorts and Ace Shoes
  • Gold Master: Veteran Boots

Pokémon Go limits the number of battle sets you can complete in the Go Battle League each day and usually only one League will be available at a time, so make sure to complete all the allowed Battles each day if you want to complete these Medals fast.

Retired and back again: What happened to the Ace Trainer Medal in Pokémon Go?

The Ace Trainer Medal has changed as certain mechanics were retired and new ones introduced. Originally, you earned it by training or prestiging up a friendly Gym under the old system. When prestiging was removed from the game, this Medal was retired. However, it is back. Now, by training against the Team Leaders in one-on-one battles.

  • Bronze: Train ten times
  • Silver: Train 100 times
  • Gold: Train 1,000 times
  • Platinum: Train 2,000 times

Additionally, earning the following Medals unlocks style shop items for your avatar:

  • Bronze: Ace Pants
  • Silver: Ace Boots
  • Gold: Ace Vest

How do you get the Hero and Ultra Hero Medals in Pokémon Go?

Introduced alongside Team GO Rocket, the Hero and Ultra Hero Medals are earned by battling Team GO Rocket.

The Hero Medal requires:

  • Bronze: Defeat ten Team GO Rocket members
  • Silver: Defeat 100 Team GO Rocket members
  • Gold: Defeat 1,000 Team GO Rocket members
  • Platinum: Defeat 2,000 Team GO Rocket members

Although there is no limit to how many Team GO Rocket members you can battle in a day, if you're stuck relying on the Aerial Attacks, make sure you're logging in multiple times throughout the day to get all four. There are also events in which Team GO Rocket hot air balloons appear more often, as well as events that feature Jesse and James' Meowth hot air balloon. Make the most of these events, especially Jesse and James, who count as two battles to get these Medals.

The Ultra Hero Medal requires:

  • Bronze: Defeat the Team GO Rocket Boss once
  • Silver: Defeat the Team GO Rocket Boss 5 times
  • Gold: Defeat the Team GO Rocket Boss 20 times
  • Platinum: Defeat the Team GO Rocket Boss 50 times

This Medal can only be earned by defeating Giovanni, who can only be encountered by using a Super Rocket Radar. Because the Super Rocket Radar is earned through Special Research, you cannot battle Giovanni more than once a month during normal times. The following Ultra Hero Medals also unlock avatar style items:

  • Silver: Giovanni Pants and Giovanni Shoes
  • Gold: Giovanni Gloves and Giovanni Shirt

How do you get the Purifier Medal in Pokémon Go?

The Purifier Medal requires purifying Shadow Pokémon rescued from Team GO Rocket:

  • Bronze: Purify five Shadow Pokémon
  • Silver: Purify 50 Shadow Pokémon
  • Gold: Purify 500 Shadow Pokémon
  • Platinum: Purify 1,000 Shadow Pokémon

Although you can technically purify any Shadow Pokémon you capture, the cost in Stardust and Candy for purification increases with the rarity of the Pokémon. Additionally, Shadow Pokémon get a huge attack boost at the cost of low defense, making them perfect glass cannons. In fact, the strongest Pokémon in the game are Shadow Pokémon, so for the rarer Shadow Pokémon, especially the Legendaries as well as those with especially high IVs, you may want to keep them as they are.

Casian Holly

Casian Holly has been writing about gaming at iMore since 2019, but their real passion is Pokémon. From the games to the anime, cards and toys, they eat, sleep, and breathe all things Pokémon. You can check out their many Pokémon Go and Pokémon Sword and Shield guides and coverage here on iMore.