Pokémon Go trainers in Canada can now submit new stops

Pokemon Go Wayfarer
Pokemon Go Wayfarer (Image credit: Niantic)

What you need to know

  • Niantic recently announced the Wayfarer tool for submitting new locations for their games.
  • The beta version of this tool is being rolled out for Pokémon Go players in Canada.
  • For the moment, only level 40 players can use the tool.

On October 9th, Niantic announced its new tool for submitting locations for Ingress, Pokémon Go, and other games. While this tool was initially only open to level 10+ Ingress players, today the beta version is opening for select Canadian Pokémon Go players. If you happen to be in Canada and are level 40, you can now access this new tool. Wayfarer not only allows players to submit new points of interest to be made into Pokéstops, Gyms, and Portals, but the tool will also allow players to rate and review submissions. Until recently, Niantic's employees have had to review every submission in a relatively slow process. Now, dedicated players will help streamline the process leading to new Pokéstops and Gyms being implemented faster than ever before.

While this tool is only open to level 10+ Ingress players and level 40 Canadian Pokémon Go players, Niantic has promised to open it globally by the end of the year. Still no word yet on whether the level cap will be lowered.

If you're a level 40 Canadian Pokémon Go player, you can sign up for the beta here!

For more information on how the submission process works and what sort of locations Niantic would like to see, check out the video below:

And be sure to check back here often. We'll be the first to let you know when this tool opens up to more players!

Casian Holly

Casian Holly has been writing about gaming at iMore since 2019, but their real passion is Pokémon. From the games to the anime, cards and toys, they eat, sleep, and breathe all things Pokémon. You can check out their many Pokémon Go and Pokémon Sword and Shield guides and coverage here on iMore.