Pokémon Go: Mega Manectric Mega Raid Guide
How to take on Mega Manectric in Pokémon Go

Mega Evolution has finally arrived in Pokémon Go and with it, Mega Raids! A whole new class of Raids, Mega Raids let you and your friends challenge a Mega Evolved Pokémon. These are some of the most challenging raids yet, but we here at iMore got your back! Mega Manectric is back and we have everything you need to know to take on its Mega Raid.
Who is Mega Manectric in Pokémon Go?
Originally encountered in the Hoenn region of Gen III, the blue and yellow canine Manectric served as little more than a Pokédex entry when introduced to Pokémon Go. It has decent stats, but nothing outstanding and certainly nothing in comparison to Legendary Electric types, like Raikou, Zekrom, and Zapdos.
However, with Mega Evolution providing a considerable boost not only to Manectric's stats, but also to any Electric type allies, Mega Manectric is definitely going to be a very useful addition to your roster. It can keep pace with Mega Ampharos and has far fewer weaknesses to boot. So be sure to check out our best Pokémon Go accessories so you can be fully equipped for all the Mega Manectric raids.
Mega counters
There are a handful of options for Mega Evolution when countering Mega Manectric, but there are no good options that focuses on its sole weakness: Ground.
Mega Steelix
Currently, Mega Steelix is the only Ground type Mega Evolved Pokémon in the game. This is pretty unfortunate because Mega Steelix just cannot deal the kind of damage necessary to made it perform well in raids. However, it is a tank and will last a long time on the field, all while boosting Ground types. As a Ground and Steel type, it resists Electric and Psychic type damage, but takes super effective damage from Fire type moves. Mega Steelix also lacks a Ground type fast move, so you'll want Dragon Tail and Earthquake for its moveset.
While they will not provide a Mega Boost to Ground, the following Mega Evolved Pokémon perform well in this raid:
- Mega Alakazam with Confusion and Psychic
- Mega Gengar with Shadow Claw and Sludge Bomb
- Mega Latios with Dragon Breath and Psychic
- Mega Aerodactyl with Rock Throw and Earth Power
- Mega Charizard Y with Fire Spin and Blast Burn
- Mega Kangaskhan with Mud-Slap and Earthquake
- Mega Blastoise with Water Gun and Hydro Cannon
- Mega Beedrill with Poison Jab and Drill Run
- Mega Latias with Dragon Breath and Psychic
Top counters
Mega Manectric is a pure Electric type with access to Electric, Dark, Fire, and Psychic type moves. Its sole weakness is Ground type moves.
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Originally encountered in the Sinnoh region of Gen IV, Garchomp is the top counter for Mega Manectric. It has been featured in events, including Community Day, so most players have had the chance to add at least one to their roster. As a Ground and Dragon type, Garchomp takes reduced damage from Electric and Fire type moves, while having no relevant weaknesses. Mud Shot and the Community Day exclusive move, Earth Power are the moves you'll want your Garchomp to know. If you don't have the Community Day exclusive move or an Elite TM to spare, Earthquake will also work well.
Landorus (Therian)
A Legendary Pokémon from the Unova region, Landorus has two formes, both of which perform great in this raid. Therian forme Landorus is the better of the two, despite having lesser moves, thanks to a massive attack stat. A Ground and Flying type, Landorus resists Electric type damage and has no relevant weaknesses. Mud Shot and Earthquake are the ideal moves for Therian forme Landorus in this fight.
The Legendary mascot of Pokémon Ruby, Groudon is another great choice. As a pure Ground type, it takes reduced damage from Electric type moves and has no relevant weaknesses. Although Groudon is a Legendary, it's been available many, many times in many different ways, so most active players have had multiple chances to add Groudon to their roster. If you are bringing the Continent Pokémon to this fight, you'll want it to know Mud Shot and Earthquake.
The Sinnoh Stone evolution of Gen I's Rhyhorn, Rhyperior is another excellent choice for this Mega Raid. Not only has Rhyhorn been in the game since day one, but it's also been featured in Community Day and many other events, given players plenty of opportunity to catch and evolve. As a Ground and Rock type, it resists Electric and Fire, while having no weaknesses Mega Manectric can exploit. If you are bringing Rhyperior to this fight, you'll want Mud-Slap and Earthquake for its moveset.
Landorus (Incarnate)
Although it doesn't have the stats of Therian forme Landorus, Incarnate forme Landorus has better moves, making it another excellent choice for countering Mega Manectric. As a Ground and Flying type, it brings along the same resistances and weaknesses, and it uses the same candy to power up as well. Incarnate forme Landorus has also been available more often than Therian forme, so even more players already have this Pokémon on their team. Mud Shot and Earth Power are the moves you'll want for this fight.
The evolution of Gen V's Drilbur, Excadrill makes a great counter for Mega Manectric. It's readily available, with Drilbur having been featured in multiple events. As a Ground and Steel type, Excadrill resists Electric attacks, but takes super effective damage from Fire and Psychic type moves. Mud-Slap and Drill Run are the moves you'll want your Excadrill to know for this fight.
While Rhyperior is definitely a better option, if you've run out of Sinnoh Stones, Rhydon is still a good counter for Mega Manectric and it has the same typing. The second stage of Gen I's Rhyhorn, there's no good excuse not to have a couple powerful Rhydon, as well as plenty of candy for powering them up. If you are bringing Rhydon to this fight, you'll want Mud-Slap for the fast attack and Earthquake for the charged.
Another option for this raid is Gen V's Krookodile, that is if you're lucky enough to have one. Krookodile can only be acquired via evolution and its first stage is limited to the 12KM Strange Eggs received from defeating the Team GO Rocket Executives: Cliff, Sierra and Arlo. Still, if you have this Dark and Ground type, it takes reduced damage from Electric, Dark, and Psychic type moves. Mud Slap and Earthquake are the moves you'll want your Krookodile to bring to this fight.
Originally encountered in the Unova region of Gen V, Golurk performs well in this Mega Raid. As a Ground and Ghost type, it takes reduced damage from Electric type moves, but super effective damage from Dark type. Its first stage, Golett has been in the wild for a long time, with increased spawns during the Halloween events, as well as appearing in Eggs. Better yet, it only takes 50 Candy to evolve, so odds are you have the Candies to power up your Golurk. Mud-Slap and Earth Power are the moves you'll want your Golurk to know for this fight.
Last but not least, Gen I's Golem is our final top counter for Mega Manectric. As a Ground and Rock type, it takes reduced damage from Electric and Fire, with no weaknesses Mega Manectric can exploit. It's also been in the game since day one, as well as having been featured in a number of events. Mud-Slap and Earthquake are the moves you'll want your Golem to know for this fight.
Back ups
Although most players will be able to make a team of the best counters, if you're finding a gap in your team, there are plenty of back ups who work well in larger groups. Just make sure you're dodging and any of the following could be a decent back up:
- Donphan with Mud-Slap and Earthquake
- Regigigas with Hidden Power (Ground) and Giga Impact
- Mewtwo with Confusion and Psystrike
- Mamoswine with Mud-Slap and Bulldoze
- Terrakion with Double Kick and Sacred Sword
- Flygon with Mud Shot and Earth Power
- Hoopa (Unbound) with Confusion and Psychic
- Haxorus with Dragon Tail and Earthquake
- Swampert with Mud Shot and Earthquake
- Seismitoad with Mud Shot and Earth Power
- Hydreigon with Dragon Breath and Brutal Swing
- Reshiram with Fire Fang and Overheat
- Gigalith with Mud-Slap and Meteor Beam
- Hippowdon with Ice Fang and Earth Power
- Rayquaza with Dragon Tail and Outrage
- Zekrom with Dragon Breath and Outrage
- Palkia with Dragon Tail and Draco Meteor
- Latios with Dragon Breath and Psychic
- Salamence with Dragon Tail and Outrage
- Nidoking with Fury Cutter and Earth Power
Shadow Pokémon
The rebalance of Shadow Pokémon rescued from Team GO Rocket make them excellent glass cannons. Not only are their stats boosted, but during special events or with Elite TMs, it's possible to change their moves. If you happen to have any of the following Pokémon with the right moveset, they will work very well in this raid:
- Shadow Golem with Mud-Slap and Earthquake
- Shadow Mewtwo with Confusion and Psystrike
- Shadow Mamoswine with Mud-Slap and Bulldoze
- Shadow Flygon with Mud Shot and Earth Power
- Shadow Swampert with Mud Shot and Earthquake
- Shadow Salamence with Dragon Tail and Outrage
- Shadow Latios with Dragon Breath and Psychic
- Shadow Nidoking with Fury Cutter and Earth Power
- Shadow Ho-Oh with Hidden Power (Ground) and Earthquake
- Shadow Dragonite with Dragon Tail and Outrage
More details
Although Mega Manectric can be beat by as few as two top level Trainers with the best counters, this is a Mega Raid we're talking about. The more players you can include in your raid party, the faster you will beat it, earning you all more Mega Energy. Lower level players should aim for five when you tackle Mega Manectric.
Weather conditions that can impact this raid include:
- Rain will boost Mega Manectric's Electric type moves
- Sunny/Clear Weather will boost its Fire moves, as well as your Ground type counters
- Fog will boost its Dark type move
- Wind will boost its Psychic type move
Don't miss your chance to catch Mega Manectric in Pokémon Go!
Mega Manectric will only be available in raids for a limited time so you don't want to miss this chance to battle and catch one. Also, be sure to check out our other Pokémon Go Guides so you too can become a Pokémon Master!
Casian Holly has been writing about gaming at iMore since 2019, but their real passion is Pokémon. From the games to the anime, cards and toys, they eat, sleep, and breathe all things Pokémon. You can check out their many Pokémon Go and Pokémon Sword and Shield guides and coverage here on iMore.